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List of companies

The list contains several hundred companies from around the world engaged in energy production, energy equipment manufacturing or service in the energy sector, as well as other related activities. Each of the listed companies has an active link to the information page with the following content: the company's website home page; contact details; current stock quotes (for public companies, information is taken from the Bloomberg website); number of patents documents by Google Patents; as of the date of the last update; information on the availability of employment or career prospects on the company's website; news; pages for investors; useful information about the company from other Internet sources. In addition, each listed company is assigned a series of icons representing the industry sector and type of activity. When you hover over the icon, a description will appear in a pop-up window.
To compile a list of the required parameters, follow the steps described below.
Select one or more options in each of the three sections (Country, Industry Sector, Kind of activity) below and click on the “Search icon. To search by keywords, enter them in the line "Search keyword", check the box "Search in words" and again click on the “Search icon”. To cancel all options, click “Cancel filter”.
This information can be useful to a wide range of users, including, specialists working in the field of contemporary energy technologies, students and teachers, investors, journalists and analysts.

EnerTechUp cannot guarantee 100% completeness and accuracy of the represented materials and disclaim any responsibility for the use thereof. EnerTechUp represents this material "as is" and rejects any claims and liabilities arising from the use of data published therein, including, but not limited to compensation for any type of financial damage, lost profit or compensation for moral injury. Please report any errors, misunderstandings or inaccuracies you find to [email protected]

UPM-Kymmene Oyj

P.O. Box 380
Alvar Aallon katu 1,
00100 Helsinki
Tel.: 358 204 15 111
Fax: 358 204 15 110
E-mail: [email protected]
Market Data
(UPM1V:FH) by Bloomberg
Number of patents documents by Google Patents
by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization): 428
by EPO (European Patent Office): 444
by CNIPA (China National Intellectual Property Administration): 175
by USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office): 280
Names used in search: UPM Kymmene
Recent update 2018.12
News of company
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