Select the Сountry you are interested in via the interactive map or from the list of countries. In the accompanying text for each country you can find information on the General State of the Economy, Energy Resources, Energy Balance, Education and Innovation, Ecology and Environment Protection.
All the materials presented are prepared using data from open sources or taking into account the principles of fair use. Energy facilities, power lines and pipelines, deposits, etc. are shown on maps, without any claim to accuracy, solely to demonstrate the fact of their presence and approximate location.
The library of useful information for the countries represented contains a list of links to sources of information on companies, state and public organizations, energy policy, energy applications, as well as for cartographic materials.
For each of the countries, a Ranking position has been determined for an extensive list of economic, energy, innovative and educational indices, as well as for indices reflecting the state of the environment. The economic indices include, for example, GDP – per capita, High-technology exports, Market value of publicly traded shares and others. The list of energy indices includes proven reserves of oil, gas and coal, combination production-consumption ratio, and energy use, etc. Each of the indices has a ranked list of included member countries. Since the number of countries in each rating is different for each index, the positioning of the country of interest in the rating is displayed on a special chart, where the vertical axis is a uniform relative scale from 0 to 1, and the horizontal axis is the designation of any index under its conditional number.
Thus, in such a relative “0-1” diagram, the country’s position is marked with a dot in proportion to its location in the original rating list. If the country is among the leaders by the selected indicator, on the relevant chart “0-1” it will be marked close to 1 in the upper green zone, if the country is an outsider in the rating list, then it will be marked in the lower red zone of the chart “0-1”, etc. When combining data from various indices, but applying the above principle, you can get a very compact, but informative diagram of the country's positioning in various ratings. At the same time, despite the fact that the number of participants in each rating is different, the qualitative assessment chart displays the participant’s location on a universal scale from 0 to 1, equal to the original scale and allows you to visually track the country's positioning in various ratings and establish its weak and strong positions. Of course, such mapping largely depends on the choice of indices, and is in any case subjective. In this situation, we focused primarily on the most complete reputable sources, as well as on the most accurate available indexes. We also tried to select ratings with both absolute values and relative (per capita, per unit of oil equivalent, and percentage of GDP). In addition, to display a variety of points of view, we not only used data from state or international sources, but also from private sources.
Particular attention was also paid to the collection and systematization of a large number of references to primary sources, especially for maps that may be useful to those interested in this section.
EnerTechUp cannot guarantee 100% completeness and accuracy of the represented materials and disclaim any responsibility for the use thereof. EnerTechUp represents this material "as is" and rejects any claims and liabilities arising from the use of data published therein, including, but not limited to compensation for any type of financial damage, lost profit or compensation for moral injury.