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Found items: 38
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Article (R) The role of biosolar technologies in future energy supply making scenarios for the Netherlands: Energy port and energy farm /Lucien Hanssen, Huib de Vriend, Bart Gremmen/Futures, Volume 63, Pages 112-122/November 2014/11 p./ United Kingdom
Details: OtherAndUnspecifiedTechnologies, ProcessingTechnologiesInGeneral, AdditionalEquipment,Substances, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, UnclearProblem
Article (R) Development and techno-economic evaluation of a biorefinery based on biomass (waste) streams – case study in the Netherlands /Miet Van Dael, Nathalie Márquez, Patrick Reumerman, Luc Pelkmans, Tom Kuppens and Steven Van Passel/Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages 635–644/September-October, 2014/10 p./ United Kingdom
Details: Pyrolysis&Torrefaction, OtherAndUnspecifiedTechnologies, PrimaryProcessing, ProcessingTechnologiesInGeneral, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, HighCostsInGeneral
Article (R) Opportunities for small-scale biorefinery for production of sugar and ethanol in the Netherlands /Ruben C. Kolfschoten, Marieke E. Bruins, Johan P.M. Sanders/Biofuels, Bioproducts, Biorefining, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 475–486/July-August, 2014/12 p./ United Kingdom
Details: CellulosicEthanol, ProcessingTechnologiesInGeneral, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems
Article (R) Opportunities for small-scale biorefinery for production of sugar and ethanol in the Netherlands /Ruben C. Kolfschoten,Marieke E. Bruins,Johan P.M. Sanders/Biofuels,Bioproducts,Biorefining,Volume 8,Issue 4,Pages 475–486/July-August,2014/12 p./ United Kingdom
Details: Waste, CellulosicEthanol, ProcessingTechnologiesInGeneral, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems