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Found items: 90
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Article (R) Sensitivity and Effectiveness Analysis of Incentives for Concentrated Solar Power Projects in Chile /Yeliz Simsek, Carlos Mata-Torres, Amador M.Guzmán, Jose M.Cardemil, Rodrigo Escobar/Renewable Energy, Volume 129, Part A, article/December 2018/ Pages 214-224/ United Kingdom
Details: CSPInGeneral, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) Techno-economic analysis of a hybrid CSP+ PV plant integrated with TES and BESS in Northern Chile /Adriana Zurita, Carlos Mata-Torres, Carlos Valenzuela, José M. Cardemil, Rodrigo A. Escobar/AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2033, Issue 1, conference paper/8 November 2018/10 р./ United Kingdom
Details: SolarTower, StorageCSPOrHybridCSP, Storage, Optics, Receivers, TurbinesAndOtherPowerGeneration, LowEfficiencyDueToEnvironmentalFactors, HighCostsInGeneral, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, LowEfficiencyInGeneral
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) Towards the Chilean solar thermal potential knowledge for solar power tower plants /Aitor Marzo, Luis F. Zarzalejo, Mercedes Ibarra, Ana A. Navarro, Gonzalo Soto, Lourdes Ramirez, Rodrigo Escobar, Manuel Silva-Pérez/AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2033, Issue 1, conference paper/8 November 2018/11 р./ United Kingdom
Details: SolarTower, LowEfficiencyDueToSolarMovement, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems
Review (B) Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Chile 2018 Review / International Energy Agency / January 2018, 191 pages / United Kingdom
Article (R) Electricity generation in Chile using non-conventional renewable energy sources–A focus on biomass /Carlos Rodríguez-Monroy, Gloria Mármol-Acitores, Gabriel Nilsson-Cifuentes/Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 81, Part 1, Pages 937-945/January 2018/9 pp./ United Kingdom
Details: Biogas, LandfillGas, OtherAndUnspecifiedTechnologies, ProcessingTechnologiesInGeneral, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, HighCostsInGeneral
Article (R) Electricity generation in Chile using non-conventional renewable energy sources–A focus on biomass /Carlos Rodríguez-Monroy,Gloria Mármol-Acitores,Gabriel Nilsson-Cifuentes/Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Volume 81,Part 1,Pages 937-945/January 2018/9 pp./ United Kingdom
Details: Waste, Biogas, LandfillGas, OtherAndUnspecifiedTechnologies, ProcessingTechnologiesInGeneral, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, HighCostsInGeneral