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电动车。 2023年第四季度生产活动结果


Aenert news. Energy Companies电动汽车(包括插电式混合动力汽车)向全球消费市场的扩张势头正在增强。这一趋势在2021年首次表现得最为明显,当时电动汽车销量占全球乘用车销量的比例达到9%。 2022年,他们的数字已经是14%,去年达到了18%(与前一年相比销售额增长增加到35%)。根据国际能源署的数据,中国对这一进程做出了最大的贡献,2023年中国电动汽车销量份额为38%。相比之下,欧盟国家的这一比例为 22%,美国为 10%。这场比赛的领先者是挪威 - 93% 和瑞典 - 60%。在英国和德国,这一数字各为 24%。 还应该指出的是,2018年至2022年期间,全球化石燃料动力汽车销量稳步下降。去年趋于稳定,销量约为6300万辆,略高于前一年。电动汽车销量达1380万辆,自电动汽车上市以来销量持续增长,并有专业的统计核算。 Quarterly...



Aenert. Research Laboratory news植物生物质是一种可再生、丰富且环保的能源。利用植物生物质可以减少对化石燃料的依赖,改善环境污染问题。如今,生物柴油、生物氢、生物乙醇、沼气等各种生物燃料与化石燃料并存,并通过不同的生产工艺生产。它们的生产取决于用于原料预处理的酶或酶在合成过程本身中发挥着至关重要的作用。这些酶与原料相互作用的程度对工艺效率和可行性有很大影响。因此,来自可变生物质的生物燃料的商业化具有与生产中涉及的酶相关的某些局限性。 植物生物质含有光合作用产生的富含能量的复杂糖分子。由糖组成的刚性细胞壁围绕植物细胞,以及提供结构支撑的称为木质素的材料。就像提供健康的植物需要木质素一样,如果要利用糖并将其转化为燃料,则需要减少木质素。这一直是旨在利用植物生产燃料和其他通常由石油制成的产品的研究重点。 ...

石墨:资源、生产和前景。 消息


艾纳特新闻。能源和基础设施 如今,石墨已成为未来发展的所谓“关键”材料中讨论最多的项目。这并不意外,因为许多专家长期以来一直在暗示石墨的生产和需求之间日益不平衡。 然而,在中国今年10月对一些重要石墨品种实施出口限制后,形势已经超出了冷静分析的范围,需要采取更积极和具体的措施来防止某些行业可能出现的生产中断。经济。让我们尝试了解问题的本质及其解决方案的选择。 为什么石墨被列入关键材料清单? 石墨在原子结构层面上是一种碳基晶体材料,由多层石墨烯堆叠而成。 石墨的许多独特性能众所周知:密度低、耐化学影响、令人满意的强度和导电性、良好的导热性、接近 4000oC 的极高熔点。 我们不会进一步扩展有关石墨特性的已知事实列表(它们可以在任何参考书中轻松找到),而只会详细讨论一个很少提及的特性,该特性与本评论的主题直接相关。 它被称为嵌入能力。 用最简单的术语来说,它是一种物质将另一种物质的原子放入其晶格中而不产生严重后果的能力。...



艾纳特新闻。能源公司 在本报告中,我们介绍了三大电动汽车制造商2023年第二季度的财务业绩。其中,特斯拉是该经济领域无可争议的领导者,长期以来以良好的财务业绩实现了可持续的销售增长。 理想汽车是一个年轻但在中国市场已经相当知名的品牌,在一定程度上反映了中国市场的快速增长,并提供成熟的高端家庭电动汽车。 Polestar是一家相对年轻的瑞典公司,于2015年被沃尔沃汽车收购,并因此获得了新的能力,专门生产具有个性化设计和许多创新的优雅电动汽车。 特斯拉 2023 年第二季度(2023 Q2),该公司继续信心十足地攀升至新纪录水平。首先,我们谈论的是季度收入,接近 250 亿美元。根据 GAAP 计算的净利润为 27 亿美元。运营利润率略低于10%。 特斯拉 Model 3。Aenert 照片。Credit I.Ciorici 归属于普通股股东的净利润 (GAAP) 与去年同期相比增长了...

New Kind of Microbes to Advance the Science of Biomanufacturing


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIn the endeavour to find new materials to advance energy and industrial production, different approaches are being examined, some of them including completely new technologies, others relying on known materials. Carbenes are one such molecule. They were first discovered in the 1830s when scientists unsuccessfully tried to dehydrate methanol to methylene. But it...

New Oil-Eating Enzyme to Tailor Catalysts


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsOver the years, fossil fuels have drawn more and more negative attention owing to the fact that production methods as well as further processing of hydrocarbons release a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere. To mitigate the negative impacts of fossil fuels on the environment, biofuels from renewable sources have been researched extensively in order to provide a...

Electrolytic Process to Convert Glucose to Hydrogen


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsHydrogen is considered as clean and sustainable energy carrier that can be used to power a wide range of applications, such as internal combustion engines and fuel cells. It has the benefit of producing no toxic gas and few by-products. Therefore, it is small wonder that governments, companies and scientists are taking great pains to develop methods which can...

Financial results of electric vehicle manufacturers in 2022


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsElectric cars are taking an increasingly important place in the global vehicle market. Over the past three years, there has been a real breakthrough in this sector. The year 2021 was particularly successful in this respect, with an increase in sales of more than 100%, according to Global EV Sales for 2022. In 2022, according to the same source, sales increased...

Lithium Statistics 2022


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe rapid growth in sales of various types of electric vehicles in 2021 and 2022 has caused a high demand for lithium from lithium-ion battery manufacturers. According to the USGS, batteries accounted for 65% of the global end-use markets for lithium in 2020. Now, according to some sources, this share may be as high as 80%. This seems quite obvious when taking into...



Aenert news. Energy Exhibitions & ConferencesDuring this weekend eCarExpo has organized in Stockholm a trade fair focused on: -   both the electrified car and all conceivable three- and two-wheeled electric vehicles -   the entire infrastructure behind the electrification, for the tech industry that supplies the vehicles with charging and the energy companies that ensure electricity from...