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Found items: 37182
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Article (R) Syngas Methanation over Spray‐Granulated Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst in a Laboratory Transport‐Bed Reactor /J Liu, D Cui, J Yu, F Su, G Xu /Chemical Engineering & Technology, Volume 42, Issue 1, article/January 2019/Pages 129-136/ United Kingdom
Details: Transport,CoalSeamMethane, CoalBedMethane, CoalToLiquid, LowEfficiencyOfSurfaceTreatment, HighCostsOfProductionProcesses, HighCapex/Equipment
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) A Study of Cu-loaded SAPO-34 for the Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol /K Kvande /University of Oslo, thesis/ January 2019/119 p./ United Kingdom
Details: Transport,CoalSeamMethane, CoalBedMethane, CoalToLiquid, LowEfficiencyOfSurfaceTreatment, HighCostsOfProductionProcesses, HighCapex/Equipment
Article (R) Syngas Methanation over Spray‐Granulated Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst in a Laboratory Transport‐Bed Reactor /J Liu, D Cui, J Yu, F Su, G Xu /Chemical Engineering & Technology, Volume 42, Issue 1, article/January 2019/Pages 129-136/ United Kingdom
Details: Transport,AssociatedPetroleumGas, LiquidFuel, GasToLiquid, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, AdditionalExpensesOnSecondaryProcesses, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) A Study of Cu-loaded SAPO-34 for the Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol /K Kvande /University of Oslo, thesis/ January 2019/119 p./ United Kingdom
Details: Transport,AssociatedPetroleumGas, LiquidFuel, GasToLiquid, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, AdditionalExpensesOnSecondaryProcesses, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact
Article (R) Syngas Methanation over Spray‐Granulated Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst in a Laboratory Transport‐Bed Reactor /J Liu, D Cui, J Yu, F Su, G Xu /Chemical Engineering & Technology, Volume 42, Issue 1, article/January 2019/Pages 129-136/ United Kingdom
Details: Energy efficiency in energy sector, CoalSeamMethane, CoalBedMethane, CoalToLiquid, LowEfficiencyOfSurfaceTreatment, HighCostsOfProductionProcesses, HighCapex/Equipment
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) A Study of Cu-loaded SAPO-34 for the Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol /K Kvande /University of Oslo, thesis/ January 2019/119 p./ United Kingdom
Details: Energy efficiency in energy sector, CoalSeamMethane, CoalBedMethane, CoalToLiquid, LowEfficiencyOfSurfaceTreatment, HighCostsOfProductionProcesses, HighCapex/Equipment
Article (R) Syngas Methanation over Spray‐Granulated Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst in a Laboratory Transport‐Bed Reactor /J Liu, D Cui, J Yu, F Su, G Xu /Chemical Engineering & Technology, Volume 42, Issue 1, article/January 2019/Pages 129-136/ United Kingdom
Details: Energy efficiency in energy sector, AssociatedPetroleumGas, LiquidFuel, GasToLiquid, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, AdditionalExpensesOnSecondaryProcesses, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) A Study of Cu-loaded SAPO-34 for the Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol /K Kvande /University of Oslo, thesis/ January 2019/119 p./ United Kingdom
Details: Energy efficiency in energy sector, AssociatedPetroleumGas, LiquidFuel, GasToLiquid, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, AdditionalExpensesOnSecondaryProcesses, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact
Article (R) Thermal modelling of a flat plate solar collector with latent heat storage validated with experimental data in outdoor conditions /M Carmona, M Palacio /Solar Energy, Volume 177, article/ 1 January 2019/ Pages 620-633/ United Kingdom
Details: City and Building, SolarHeating, Receivers, Storage, LowEfficiencyOfSecondaryEquipment, HighCostsOfMaintenance
Article (R) Динамическая модель котла-утилизатора попутного нефтяного газа /Varlamov Vladimir Aleksandrovich/Priority Directions Of Development Of Science And Education/January 2019/4 pp./ United Kingdom

en: Dynamic Model of Waste Oil Gas Recovery Boiler

Details: Energy efficiency in energy sector, AssociatedPetroleumGas, EnergyProduction, Preparation, GasToPower, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, HighOpex/EquipmentAndConsumables, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact