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Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy Statistics欧盟统计局公布了1990年至2022年期间原油和石油产品的统计概况。从下表所示的欧盟石油消费趋势来看,石油消费量有所减少,整体下降过去 20 年(2002 年至 2022 年)增长了约 17%。 在此期间,由于 COVID-19 大流行限制,2020 年的消费量达到最低水平,但 2022 年石油需求几乎恢复到 2014 年的水平。 尽管因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,欧盟进口原油整体来源地发生较大变化,2022年自俄罗斯进口原油及石油产品减少21.75%,但该国仍占进口大头。  来自俄罗斯的进口减少被来自沙特阿拉伯、美国和挪威的进口增加所抵消。具体如下:俄罗斯(8840万吨)、挪威(5410万吨)、美国(4830万吨)、伊拉克(3720万吨)和哈萨克斯坦(3660万吨)。 ...

US shale oil basins



Aenert news. Energy Companies美国本世纪初开展的页岩气和致密油生产技术的开发及后续产业化发展,使全球油气平衡发生了重大变化。如今,美国每天生产约 1300 万桶石油,其中 60% 以上是致密油。如果考虑天然气产量,那么页岩气的份额一般在80%左右。因此,一方面,美国目前是全球领先的碳氢化合物生产国,另一方面,这一结果的主要贡献来自页岩气和致密油生产。生产这些难以开采的油气类型的强制性技术操作清单不可避免地包括水平钻井和水力压裂;此外,与传统类型碳氢化合物的生产相比,需要更多数量的井。当然,这增加了运营成本,并增加了生产过程对各种不利因素的敏感性。然而,页岩气和致密油的生产状况是整个能源行业的良好指标,不仅在美国,而且在全球范围内也是如此。 2023年最后一个季度,美国页岩气产量再次增长。这种情况已经连续四个季度发生。日均总产量达到创纪录的 821.6...

Suncor Energy Inc.、Imperial Oil Limited、Сenovus Energy Inc. 2023 年第三季度生产活动结果


Aenert news. Energy Companies如果我们考虑合成原油的生产,加拿大是世界上五个最大的石油生产国之一,合成原油是油砂浓缩的产物。 同时,油砂是加拿大庞大石油储量的基础,其储量超过 1600亿桶。 与传统石油生产相比,这显着增加了运营成本。 在这方面,对加拿大石油工业指标和最重要公司财务状况的分析作为世界石油市场状况的指标之一具有实际意义。 加拿大石油工业的主要产品是常规轻质原油、改质沥青和重质原油。 同时,在此列表中占主导地位的是升级沥青和重质原油。 据加拿大统计局数据,今年第三季度,加拿大原油及当量产量达 413,253,320 桶(4,491,884 桶/日),比上一季度增加 0.5%,比同季度增加近 9% 一年前的一个季度。 以下是加拿大三大专门生产和加工油砂的公司——Suncor Energy Inc.、Genovus Energy Inc. 和...



Aenert news. Energy Companies美国的碳氢化合物生产继续强劲增长。2023年9月,天然气和原油日产量创下新的历史记录。目前天然气的最大日产量为 12507.8 万立方英尺/天,原油的最大日产量为 1323.6 万桶/天。为了了解这一事实的独特性,让我们告诉您,恰好在十年前,这些数字分别降低了 54.3% 和 70.6%。 该产量的主要份额是从低渗透地层中提取的页岩气和致密油形式的非常规碳氢化合物。由于定向钻井和水力压裂技术的开发和应用,美国在这些资源的开采方面绝对处于世界领先地位。近两个季度,美国页岩气和致密油日产量水平在长期增长后企稳甚至小幅下降。非常规碳氢化合物生产是石油和天然气生产中最昂贵、技术最复杂的选择之一。因此,有关这一过程的统计数据可以在很大程度上反映整个石油和天然气行业的状况,尽管是间接的。 美国页岩气和致密油日均产量 ...

Oil stocks statistics: Germany has the largest emergency and commercial oil stocks in the EU


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEurostat presented data on emergency and commercial oil stocks in the European Union, the availability of which is of great importance for energy security, given the EU's dependence on crude oil and petroleum products imports in the current geopolitical instability. In general, statistics show that emergency oil stocks in the EU are at a higher level than before...

Suncor Energy Inc., Imperial Oil Limited, Genovus Energy Inc. 2023Q2 Production activity results


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesData on the production of bituminous oil and the production of synthetic products from it are an important indicator of the state of the global oil market as a whole. Canada is the absolute leader in the extraction and processing of oil sands, successfully competing with other producers. It should be taken into account that the costs of developing heavy and...

EOG Resources. Devon Energy. Occidental Petroleum Corporation. 2023Q2 Production activity results


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesThanks to the large-scale implementation of oil and gas production technologies in fields with low permeability, the United States has become one of the main exporters of liquefied natural gas in the world, and has also significantly reduced its own imbalance between the production and consumption of oil and petroleum products. In this regard, indicators of the...

Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes. 2023Q2 Production activity results


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesThe financial performance of oil service companies largely reflects the state of the oil market, especially if these companies are world leaders in this segment of services and provide them on all continents and in almost all oil-producing countries (today except Russia). For example, Halliburton operates in more than 70 countries. After the tough first quarters of...

Hydraulic fracturing equipment and methods. Patent Analysis


Aenert news. Invention analysisPreviously, in a series of articles concerning oil and gas production from low-permeability plays we have revised such topics as hydraulic fracturing fluids (09.07.2023) hydraulic fracturing proppants (18.06.2023), shale oil and gas production (Energy, Gas & Water consumption on 29.11.2021 and Ecology & Environment on 04.02.2022), and unconventional gas production...

Hydraulic fracturing fluids. Patent Analysis


Aenert news. Invention analysisIn one of our recent articles (18.06.2023) we have revised patenting trends in the field concerning hydraulic fracturing proppants, their production, structure and composition. We also addressed related subjects in our articles concerning Shale oil and gas production (Energy, Gas & Water consumption on 29.11.2021 and Ecology & Environment on 04.02.2022), and...