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Öko-Kraftstoff und Öko-Fahrzeuge

Elektrische Autos. Ergebnisse der Produktionsaktivitäten 2023Q4


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesDer Ausbau von Elektrofahrzeugen (einschließlich Plug-in-Hybriden) auf dem globalen Verbrauchermarkt gewinnt an Dynamik. Am deutlichsten zeigte sich dieser Trend erstmals im Jahr 2021, als der Anteil der verkauften Elektrofahrzeuge an der Gesamtzahl der weltweit verkauften Pkw 9 % betrug. Im Jahr 2022 lag ihre Zahl bereits bei 14 %, im vergangenen Jahr erreichte sie...

Entwickelte Enzyme für bessere Biokraftstoffe


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsPflanzliche Biomasse ist eine erneuerbare, reichlich vorhandene und umweltfreundliche Energiequelle. Durch die Nutzung pflanzlicher Biomasse kann die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen verringert und das Problem der Umweltverschmutzung verbessert werden. Eine Vielzahl von Biokraftstoffen wie Biodiesel, Biowasserstoff, Bioethanol und Biogas stehen heute neben...

Graphit: Ressourcen, Produktion und Perspektiven


Aenert-Neuigkeiten. Energieressourcen und Infrastruktur Heute ist Graphit das am meisten diskutierte Material unter den sogenannten „kritischen“ Materialien für zukünftige Entwicklungszwecke. Dies kommt nicht überraschend, da zahlreiche Experten schon seit langem auf ein wachsendes Ungleichgewicht zwischen Produktion und Nachfrage bei Graphit hinweisen. Nachdem China im Oktober dieses Jahres Exportbeschränkungen für eine Reihe...

Tesla, Li Auto, Polestar. 2023Q2 Production activity results


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesIn this note, we present the financial performance of three electric vehicle manufacturers for the second quarter of 2023. Among them, Tesla is the undisputed leader in this sector of the economy, which has long achieved sustainable sales growth with good financial performance. Li Auto is a young but already quite well-known brand in the Chinese market, to a certain...

New Kind of Microbes to Advance the Science of Biomanufacturing


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIn the endeavour to find new materials to advance energy and industrial production, different approaches are being examined, some of them including completely new technologies, others relying on known materials. Carbenes are one such molecule. They were first discovered in the 1830s when scientists unsuccessfully tried to dehydrate methanol to methylene. But it...

New Oil-Eating Enzyme to Tailor Catalysts


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsOver the years, fossil fuels have drawn more and more negative attention owing to the fact that production methods as well as further processing of hydrocarbons release a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere. To mitigate the negative impacts of fossil fuels on the environment, biofuels from renewable sources have been researched extensively in order to provide a...

Electrolytic Process to Convert Glucose to Hydrogen


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsHydrogen is considered as clean and sustainable energy carrier that can be used to power a wide range of applications, such as internal combustion engines and fuel cells. It has the benefit of producing no toxic gas and few by-products. Therefore, it is small wonder that governments, companies and scientists are taking great pains to develop methods which can...

Financial results of electric vehicle manufacturers in 2022


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsElectric cars are taking an increasingly important place in the global vehicle market. Over the past three years, there has been a real breakthrough in this sector. The year 2021 was particularly successful in this respect, with an increase in sales of more than 100%, according to Global EV Sales for 2022. In 2022, according to the same source, sales increased...

Lithium Statistics 2022


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe rapid growth in sales of various types of electric vehicles in 2021 and 2022 has caused a high demand for lithium from lithium-ion battery manufacturers. According to the USGS, batteries accounted for 65% of the global end-use markets for lithium in 2020. Now, according to some sources, this share may be as high as 80%. This seems quite obvious when taking into...



Aenert news. Energy Exhibitions & ConferencesDuring this weekend eCarExpo has organized in Stockholm a trade fair focused on: -   both the electrified car and all conceivable three- and two-wheeled electric vehicles -   the entire infrastructure behind the electrification, for the tech industry that supplies the vehicles with charging and the energy companies that ensure electricity from...