1. Basic definitions
2. Directional drilling & Hydraulic fracturing
2.1. Shale Gas / Resources and Production
2.2. Shale Gas / Mainstream technologies, advantages and disadvantages
2.3. Shale gas / Research and innovations
3. Coal seam methane
3.1. Methane from Coal
3.2. Coal Seam Methane / Resources and Production
3.3. Coal Seam Methane / Mainstream technologies, advantages and disadvantages
3.4. Coal Seam Methane / Major companies
3.5. Coal Seam Methane / Research and innovations
4. Methane hydrates
4.1. Basic definitions
4.2. Methane Hydrate Resources
Map of gas hydrates
4.3. Mainstream technologies
4.4. Research and innovations
4.5. Trends of development