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艾纳特新闻。哈里伯顿能源公司 、斯伦贝谢能源公司和贝克休斯能源公司是全球最大的油田服务公司。我们传统上会提供这些公司的季度业绩比较指标,因为这在很大程度上反映了整个石油和天然气行业的状况。他们每个人都主要专注于开发石油和天然气勘探和生产的高效技术和设备、行业脱碳以及确保可持续的能源未来。全球石油和天然气服务公司对化石燃料行业的状况表现出最敏感的反应,因为它们必须在石油和天然气产量扩张期间对创新服务的强劲需求与另一次可再生能源繁荣或另一次可再生能源繁荣期间对创新服务的大幅下降之间取得平衡。生产过剩危机。此外,这些公司都拥有与最复杂的化石资源开发相关的技术,包括最新的勘探技术、定向钻井和水力压裂、深水钻井、蒸汽或天然气注入、注水、化学增产等。 哈里伯顿 今年第三季度,哈里伯顿的营业利润率接近 18%,收入为 58.04 亿美元。净利润达 7.24...



艾纳特新闻。能源市场与能源统计 中国国家统计局定期公布2023年第三季度工业生产统计数据。该期国内生产总值(亿元)为319992.3,比去年同季度增长3.9%。这意味着本季度中国经济增速明显放缓,较2023年第二季度的4.8%有所放缓。按年计算,2023年第三季度和2022年同季度GDP相比,增速为3.5%。 因此,全球经济状况也在放缓,或者至少是不确定的,因为中国是全球生产最重要的参与者之一。 同时,2023年第三季度我国能源产品消费和生产指标与去年数据相比,几乎各项指标都呈现平稳增长。 因此,2023年第三季度,原油产量较去年同期增长1.6%,天然气产量增长7.3%,发电量增长5.3%,煤炭产量增长1.75%。尤其是工业原油加工能力显着增加,立即增加了17%。 中国能源生产 2022 年第三季度 - 2023 年第三季度 生产/质量 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023...

New Season-Proof Battery


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIt is common knowledge that cold weather and electric batteries do not go together well as most of them lose their efficiency in cool temperatures. This is mainly due to the liquid electrolyte contained in lithium-ion batteries. This battery component transfers ions between two electrodes which causes the battery to charge and discharge. At temperatures below zero,...

Events calendar. November 2023


Aenert news. Energy Exhibitions & ConferencesShanghai, China, is offering two events on similar and relevant topics in early November. The name SNEC 8th (2022) International Energy Storage Technology, Equipment and Application Conference speaks for itself. Here the most important issues of energy storage will be considered, without the solution of which further large-scale development of renewable energy is...

LOHC - Dehydrogenation. Recent patent review


Aenert news. Invention analysisEarlier in our articles we revised some aspects of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) technology by analyzing recently patented inventions in the fields of aromatic LOHC compounds (29.09.2023), heterocyclic LOHC compounds (08.09.2023), and hydrogenation process in LOHC (17.10.2023). Now we are going to address the aspect of dehydrogenation of liquid organic...

„Huff & Puff“ Geothermal Fracking for improved Energy Storage


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsGeothermal energy is a type of renewable power which is found deep underneath the Earth. Other than wind and solar power, geothermal power does not require large surface facilities or produce harmful CO2 emissions. Traditional geothermal plants use water from reservoirs located deep underground to power turbines which then generate electricity. However, this...

New Electrolyte Can Make E-Cars Last Longer


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsAlongside increased efforts to come up with new, more abundant and also more sustainable materials to create batteries, scientists are also trying to improve existing battery types by enhancing their stability and durability. This led them to have a closer look at an ingredient found in many toothpastes. The ingredient is called sodium fluoride and is a compound of...

Oil stocks statistics: Germany has the largest emergency and commercial oil stocks in the EU


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEurostat presented data on emergency and commercial oil stocks in the European Union, the availability of which is of great importance for energy security, given the EU's dependence on crude oil and petroleum products imports in the current geopolitical instability. In general, statistics show that emergency oil stocks in the EU are at a higher level than before...

EU Energy Production 2023 Q2


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEurostat has published a complete package of data on energy production, consumption and imports for the second quarter of 2023. As follows from the table below, all indicators have undergone a significant decline over the past year. So, when comparing 2022 Q2 and 2023 Q2, the production and consumption of natural gas decreased by 17% and 8%, respectively. At the...

LOHC - Hydrogenation. Recent patent review


Aenert news. Invention analysisIn our earlier articles we have addressed latest developments disclosed in recent patent documents related to Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) based on aromatic compounds (29.09.2023) and heterocyclic compounds (08.09.2023) and revised some specific aspects of these approaches. Today we will take a look at recent patent documents disclosing novel methods,...