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埃纳特。研究实验室新闻 在当今的工业化世界中,氢在农业和工业等许多领域发挥着重要作用。氢气具有减少二氧化碳排放的潜力,因为其生产和燃烧都不会将CO2排放到大气中。而且,它还可以转化为电力或合成气体。然而,迄今为止,它仍然主要由化石燃料产生。化石燃料是CO 2排放的罪魁祸首之一,因此会加剧气候变化问题。因此,科学家们正在不懈地寻找利用氢的力量而不产生有害物质的方法。 现在( 2023年),特拉维夫大学的科学家在可持续氢气的生产方面取得了重大突破,因为他们的方法不仅避免了空气污染,而且被证明是高效的。 在植物中,通常是太阳为植物酶提供动力,将水分子分解成气体。这称为氢化酶。以色列科学家现在开发出一种可以轻松地用电力替代太阳能的方法。唯一的问题是他们必须找到解决酶自然被电荷排斥的问题的方法。因此,科学家团队创造了一种可以阻止这种反应的化学处理方法:与氢化酶混合的水凝胶。 水凝胶用于将酶附着在电极上,因此可以在生物催化剂的帮助下产生氢气,效率超过...

New Season-Proof Battery


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIt is common knowledge that cold weather and electric batteries do not go together well as most of them lose their efficiency in cool temperatures. This is mainly due to the liquid electrolyte contained in lithium-ion batteries. This battery component transfers ions between two electrodes which causes the battery to charge and discharge. At temperatures below zero,...

„Huff & Puff“ Geothermal Fracking for improved Energy Storage


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsGeothermal energy is a type of renewable power which is found deep underneath the Earth. Other than wind and solar power, geothermal power does not require large surface facilities or produce harmful CO2 emissions. Traditional geothermal plants use water from reservoirs located deep underground to power turbines which then generate electricity. However, this...

New Electrolyte Can Make E-Cars Last Longer


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsAlongside increased efforts to come up with new, more abundant and also more sustainable materials to create batteries, scientists are also trying to improve existing battery types by enhancing their stability and durability. This led them to have a closer look at an ingredient found in many toothpastes. The ingredient is called sodium fluoride and is a compound of...

New Catalyst for Clean Fuel from Water


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsEnergy can be harnessed from many sources. Among them, renewable sources have increasingly moved into the spotlight of governments and energy producers, as they are beneficial to the climate as well as life on the planet. One such green source is hydrogen. It is abundant and environmentally-friendly as it can be extracted from water with the help of renewable...

New Method of Solar-thermal Hydrogen Production


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsOne of the most powerful sources of energy is the sun. Its rays can be captured and converted to create electricity or power processes to produce fuels which offer an alternative to hydrocarbon-derived fuels. One such fuel which can be harnessed with the help of sunlight is hydrogen. To do so, photoelectrochemical methods are often employed. Currently, photo...

Unravelling the Mechanisms of Clean Energy Catalysts


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsHydrogen is one of the simplest and most abundant elements on this planet. It is also an element which can make a valuable contribution to clearing the path to a sustainable energy industry. This has, so far, not been fully achieved, especially when it comes to large-scale production of hydrogen. Accessing hydrogen still is not a simple or clean process. Current...

New Kind of Microbes to Advance the Science of Biomanufacturing


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIn the endeavour to find new materials to advance energy and industrial production, different approaches are being examined, some of them including completely new technologies, others relying on known materials. Carbenes are one such molecule. They were first discovered in the 1830s when scientists unsuccessfully tried to dehydrate methanol to methylene. But it...

New catalyst for dry reforming of methane to produce hydrogen


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsWith energy demand rising around the globe and efforts being made to produce the greater part of the energy consumed from renewables because of their obvious environmental benefits, scientists around the world supported by local governments are seeking to find means which can fulfill both conditions: reduce emissions as well as produce sufficient amounts of energy...

Lasers for Energy-Efficient Production of Batteries


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsThere is common consent that batteries will play a key role in future mobility, whether in stationary energy systems, e-cars, buses or electric motorcycles. Therefore, scientists around the globe are working hard to improve existing battery technologies and make production processes easier. One of the most important steps in lithium-battery production is...