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艾纳特新闻。发明分析 在之前的文章中,我们已经了解了液态有机氢载体(LOHC)技术方面的最新专利趋势,如芳香族LOHC化合物(2023年9月29日)、杂环LOHC化合物(2023年9月8日)、加氢(2023年10月17日))和脱氢( 30.10.2023)。在本文中,我们将修改 LOHC 技术主要阶段中催化剂的使用。催化剂在加氢和脱氢阶段都起着至关重要的作用。在这些过程中,催化剂用于提高反应速度和效率、提高产品的储存容量或质量以及调整其他参数。然而,催化剂也可能增加氢储存和运输过程的复杂性。例如,通常最有效的催化剂是贵金属,例如铂、钯、铱等,它们是非常昂贵的材料。成本较低的催化材料可能需要特定的工艺参数或表现出较低的活性值。最近在液体有机氢载体加氢和脱氢催化剂领域获得专利的技术方案旨在解决这些和其他类似的问题。 ...



埃纳特。研究实验室新闻 在当今的工业化世界中,氢在农业和工业等许多领域发挥着重要作用。氢气具有减少二氧化碳排放的潜力,因为其生产和燃烧都不会将CO2排放到大气中。而且,它还可以转化为电力或合成气体。然而,迄今为止,它仍然主要由化石燃料产生。化石燃料是CO 2排放的罪魁祸首之一,因此会加剧气候变化问题。因此,科学家们正在不懈地寻找利用氢的力量而不产生有害物质的方法。 现在( 2023年),特拉维夫大学的科学家在可持续氢气的生产方面取得了重大突破,因为他们的方法不仅避免了空气污染,而且被证明是高效的。 在植物中,通常是太阳为植物酶提供动力,将水分子分解成气体。这称为氢化酶。以色列科学家现在开发出一种可以轻松地用电力替代太阳能的方法。唯一的问题是他们必须找到解决酶自然被电荷排斥的问题的方法。因此,科学家团队创造了一种可以阻止这种反应的化学处理方法:与氢化酶混合的水凝胶。 水凝胶用于将酶附着在电极上,因此可以在生物催化剂的帮助下产生氢气,效率超过...

LOHC - Dehydrogenation. Recent patent review


Aenert news. Invention analysisEarlier in our articles we revised some aspects of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) technology by analyzing recently patented inventions in the fields of aromatic LOHC compounds (29.09.2023), heterocyclic LOHC compounds (08.09.2023), and hydrogenation process in LOHC (17.10.2023). Now we are going to address the aspect of dehydrogenation of liquid organic...

LOHC - Hydrogenation. Recent patent review


Aenert news. Invention analysisIn our earlier articles we have addressed latest developments disclosed in recent patent documents related to Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) based on aromatic compounds (29.09.2023) and heterocyclic compounds (08.09.2023) and revised some specific aspects of these approaches. Today we will take a look at recent patent documents disclosing novel methods,...

New Catalyst for Clean Fuel from Water


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsEnergy can be harnessed from many sources. Among them, renewable sources have increasingly moved into the spotlight of governments and energy producers, as they are beneficial to the climate as well as life on the planet. One such green source is hydrogen. It is abundant and environmentally-friendly as it can be extracted from water with the help of renewable...

Events calendar. October 2023


Aenert news. Energy Exhibitions & ConferencesAfter the summer holidays, the activity of business representatives, investors and researchers increased significantly. Hence the noticeable increase in the number of interesting exhibitions and conferences around the world. In the field of promising technologies, there are still many different events taking place related to the promotion of hydrogen topics, to...

New Method of Solar-thermal Hydrogen Production


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Hydrogen energy. Aromatic carriers. Recent patent review


Aenert news. Invention analysisPreviously, in our article dated 08.09.2023 we have revised recent patents and patent applications related to heterocyclic-based liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) and technological aspects of their management. Now, in a brief review of recent inventions we will consider another popular carrier proposed as LOHC by key market players – aromatic compounds. The...

Unravelling the Mechanisms of Clean Energy Catalysts


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New catalyst for dry reforming of methane to produce hydrogen


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