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Aenert news. Environment & Climate Change气候变化是我们这个时代最紧迫的问题之一,需要立即采取行动以避免其有害影响。抵消这种发展的一种手段是高效的CO2捕获技术。这需要复杂的流程和数字系统来优化大数据预测并减少生产时间。机器学习等数学和统计方法在解决研究问题中发挥着重要作用。这种方法提供了预测大数据的快速结果和经济高效的工具。 在那里,分析地下流动和传输行为的数值模拟对于克服由于多物理性质、高度非线性控制方程、固有参数不确定性以及需要高空间分辨率来捕获多尺度异质性而带来的挑战至关重要。 现在( 2023 年),国家能源技术实验室的科学家们完成了一个项目,在此过程中开发了一种用于地下监测的深度学习工具,有助于确保地质场所2一种称为分布式声学传感 (DAS) 的新型光纤传感技术已显示出作为地震监测工具的前景,但目前 DAS...

2024 年气候变化绩效指数:丹麦再次成为最环保国家


Aenert news. Ratings自2005年以来,气候变化绩效指数(CCPI)每年都会比较各国的气候绩效,这些国家的温室气体排放量占全球温室气体排放量的90%以上。 传统上,CCPI-2024 评估四个类别:温室气体排放、可再生能源、能源消耗和气候政策。 今年的版本追踪了 63 个国家(CCPI-2023 中的 59 个国家)和欧盟作为一个实体的气候保护努力。 以下是主要发现: 与往年一样,没有一个国家在气候保护方面做得足够好,能够获得非常好的总体评级。 为此,前三名再次空缺。 今年,在所有分析国家中表现最好的仍然是丹麦,得分为 75.59,在该指数中排名第四。 该国在“温室气体排放”和“可再生能源”类别中得分很高,但尽管如此,丹麦的表现仍然低于全球变暖1.5°C的限制。 Denmark. Öresund bridge. Credit...

2022 年环境绩效指数 (EPI-2022):丹麦 丹麦是世界上最环保的国家


Aenert news. Environment & Climate Change2022 年版环境绩效指数 (EPI-2022) 通常对 180 个国家在保护生态系统和缓解气候变化方面的表现进行排名。 EPI-2022 使用涵盖 11 个问题类别的 40 个绩效指标和 3 个政策目标(环境健康、生态系统活力和气候变化)展示了哪些国家在应对环境挑战方面表现最佳。 与两年前的上一次排名一样,丹麦以77.9的总分在EPI-2022中名列前茅,几乎在所有类别上都得分很高,尤其是在清洁能源发展和可持续农业方面。 由于在减少温室气体排放方面得分较高,英国(77.7)和芬兰(76.5)分列第二和第三位。 排名前十的其他国家包括马耳他(75.2)、瑞典(72.7)、卢森堡(72.3)、斯洛文尼亚(67.3)、奥地利(66.5)、瑞士(65.9)和冰岛(62.8)。 总体而言,所有领先位置均由欧洲国家占据。...



埃纳特。研究实验室新闻 鉴于我们目前面临的迫在眉睫的气候危机,寻找可行的解决方案来减轻二氧化碳排放的有害影响至关重要。 在这种背景下,通过地质碳捕获和封存(CCS)捕获二氧化碳并将其泵入地下深处似乎是实现碳中和目标的重要解决方案。 二氧化碳地质封存的经典方法是超临界形式,其中二氧化碳被密集压缩,每年可以封存数百万吨二氧化碳。 然而,就技术和经济可行性(储层的选择、储存的耐久性、密封性、将二氧化碳运输到注入地点)而言,这是一个复杂的过程,不一定适合仅排放少量二氧化碳的设施。 气体。 此外,确保二氧化碳与大气保持良好分离也绝非易事。 现在(2023 年),桑迪亚国家实验室的科学家们在实验室条件下设计并测试了一种设备,该设备利用定期向钻孔中泵入二氧化碳所产生的温差来为电池充电。 热量从热土流经设备流向较冷的二氧化碳,产生电压,可用于为电池充电并最终为传感器供电。 桑迪亚开发的设备的功能与用于为美国宇航局太空探测器和火星漫游车提供动力的放射性同位素热电发电机类似。...

New catalyst for dry reforming of methane to produce hydrogen


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsWith energy demand rising around the globe and efforts being made to produce the greater part of the energy consumed from renewables because of their obvious environmental benefits, scientists around the world supported by local governments are seeking to find means which can fulfill both conditions: reduce emissions as well as produce sufficient amounts of energy...

Air Pollution Statistics: Significant Reduction over 30 Years


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEmissions of air pollutants in Europe have decreased considerably over the last 31 years, according to the recent data presented by Eurostat. The statistics include sulphur oxides, nitrous oxides, ammonia, fine particular matter and non-methane volatile organic compounds, but do not analyse greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1990, the largest reduction in...

Biomass-Plastic Fuel Blend from Entrained Flow Gasification


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsReplacing fossil fuels with more sustainable products derived from biomass has been widely considered as an option to mitigate climate change as well as counteract future fuel shortages caused by dwindling fossil resources. As opposed to traditional fuels such as coal, natural gas and petroleum, biomass fuel is carbon-neutral, sustainable and has manageable...

2023 Global Gas Flaring Tracker Report: 139 billion m3 gas flared during 2022


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe World Bank, in its the 2023 Gas Flaring Tracker Report, states that global gas flaring decreased by about 3% in 2022. Given that gas flaring has remained virtually unchanged over the past 10 years, this reduction is some progress. However, experts stress the need for greater efforts to end this wasteful and polluting practice. In addition, the report's troubling...

Government expenditure on environmental protection in the EU


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEurostat has published a set of statistics containing data on total government spending in the European Union by function, one of which focuses on financial expenditures on environmental protection including waste management, water waste management, pollution abatement, protection of biodiversity and landscape etc. According to released statistics, the EU spent...

Integrated Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) / Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture Process


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsThe water gas shift reaction (WGSR) is an exothermic reaction taking place between carbon monoxide and steam to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen. In typical industrial applications, the WGSR is conducted as a two-stage process: the high temperature stage performed over an iron-based catalyst in the temperature range 320 – 450°C; the low temperature stage with ...