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Использование полупроводников для улучшения твердотельных батарей


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsВ настоящее время многие крупные игроки, а также стартапы активно участвуют в индустрии электромобилей и стремятся разработать более безопасные и эффективные аккумуляторы. Одним из типов аккумуляторов, которому в последнее время уделяется повышенное внимание, являются твердотельные аккумуляторы. Помимо литий-ионных батарей, в них используется твердый...

Достижения в области технологии цинк-органических аккумуляторов


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsВодные цинк-органические батареи (ЗОБ) представляют собой довольно современный класс батарей, обладающий всеми преимуществами цинк-ионных батарей и органических катодных материалов: они используют возобновляемые ресурсы и положительно влияют на выбросы CO2. В частности, возможность настройки их молекулярной структуры и разнообразие органических реакций, которые...

Графит: ресурсы, добыча и перспективы


Aenert новости. Энергетические ресурсы и инфраструктура Сегодня графит стал наиболее обсуждаемым предметом среди так называемых «критических» материалов для целей будущего развития. В этом нет ничего неожиданного, поскольку ряд экспертов уже давно сигнализируют о растущем дисбалансе между производством и спросом на графит. Тем не менее, после того, как в октябре этого года Китай ввел ограничения на экспорт ряда важных марок...

New Season-Proof Battery


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIt is common knowledge that cold weather and electric batteries do not go together well as most of them lose their efficiency in cool temperatures. This is mainly due to the liquid electrolyte contained in lithium-ion batteries. This battery component transfers ions between two electrodes which causes the battery to charge and discharge. At temperatures below zero,...

New Electrolyte Can Make E-Cars Last Longer


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsAlongside increased efforts to come up with new, more abundant and also more sustainable materials to create batteries, scientists are also trying to improve existing battery types by enhancing their stability and durability. This led them to have a closer look at an ingredient found in many toothpastes. The ingredient is called sodium fluoride and is a compound of...

Lasers for Energy-Efficient Production of Batteries


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsThere is common consent that batteries will play a key role in future mobility, whether in stationary energy systems, e-cars, buses or electric motorcycles. Therefore, scientists around the globe are working hard to improve existing battery technologies and make production processes easier. One of the most important steps in lithium-battery production is...

New insights on Movements inside Lithium-Metal Batteries


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsOne of the most quickly evolving areas in energy science is batteries. Batteries play an important part in reducing the effects of climate change, as they can be applied in electric vehicles and used for energy storage in the electric grid. Lithium metal batteries are among the most promising types of batteries in today's energy market. These anodes have a far...

Lithium-Air Battery to Extend Driving Range


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsMost of today’s cars derive energy from burning petrol or diesel. In 2021 fossil fueled powertrains accounted for 92% of all light-duty vehicle sales at a global level. However, there is a growing number of vehicles which get power directly from a stack of batteries. These batteries are similar to lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in mobile phones, but form a pack...

Cobalt-free Batteries


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsIn search of more reliable devices for energy storage which are able to power homes, cell phones or e-vehicles, scientists are exploring possibilities of designing batteries without are and hard-to-provide elements. One of the major drawbacks of modern battery technology is that they rely heavily on a scarce metal: cobalt. Cobalt is mainly won in African mines,...

Analysing Garnets for more Reliable Solid-State Batteries


Aenert news. Research Laboratory newsIn the quest for more efficient and reliable methods to store energy, research on new and improved battery technologies plays an important role. One of the key areas which holds great promise are solid-state batteries. A solid-state battery is a battery technology that uses solid electrodes and a solid electrolyte. However despite their great potential there still...