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Патентная информация

Список патентных ведомств, патентных поисковых систем и патентного программного обеспечения

Ключевые национальные патентные ведомства*                                                                                                       last updated 25.08.2020

Страна          ОрганизацияСсылка                                       База данных и покрытиеПримечание                                           
ArgentinaNational Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)www.inpi.gob.arBOLETINES
“Publicación oficial realizada por el INPI sobre la presentación de solicitudes de patentes, modelos de utilidad y marcas. También se pПримечаниеublican los boletines de patentes concedidas.
Patentes Solicitadas
Boletines publicados desde 2007
Patentes Concedidas
Boletines publicados desde 2001”
AustraliaIP Database AusPat
“Search from 1904 to current
Keyword search the full text of Australian patents (using Structured Search)
Search names of inventors and applicants
Search titles of patents
Search application and granted (serial) numbers
Search subjects using class numbers (these indicate the subject of each patent)
From 1978 Australia has used the International Patent Classification System (IPC) system (each IPC code or codes allocated to a patent indicates the subject and content of that patent”
“IPGOD—Intellectual Property Government Open Data—is a publicly available data set that provides access to over 100 years of information from IP Australia on IP rights applications.”
BrazilNational Institute of Industrial Property
Ministry of Economy (INPI)“Brazil has an Online Register and an Online Gazette. Features and search functionalities
The online patent register has a Portuguese interface. Through the patent register you can retrieve information on PCT National Phase Entry, Fee Payment, Legal Status, and access the Dossier/File Wrapper Information and the Full Publications. The patent register can also be searched by PCT Application/Publication Number, by Applicant/Inventor Name, and by Priority Data. The Online Gazette ("Revistada Propriedade Indsutrial") is published weekly in Portuguese. It is searchable by number and downloadable in PDF or text format. The current coverage is from 1992 to present”
CanadaCanadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) Database CIPO
“Currency of Information
The database was last updated on: 2020-08-23
Bibliographic Databases such as Titles, Names and Classifications are searchable from 1869.
Text Databases such as Abstract and Claims are searchable from 1978-08-15.
The Issue date is searchable from 1869.
The Filing date is searchable from 1978-08-15.
The Priority date is searchable from 1989-10-01.
Images are available from 1869-01-01 except for Cover page and Abstract which are available from 1975”
ChinaNational Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Database CNIPA
“Patent Range
Patent Search and Analysis collects 103 countries, regions and organizations’ patent data, quotation, family and legal status.”
The main countries data as follows:
China: 19850910~20200807=63742152
Foreign: More than 100 000 000 patents dokuments
GermanyGerman Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA)www.dpma.dePatent Database DPMA DEPATISnet; DPMAregister
“DEPATISnet is a service provided to you by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office. You can conduct online searches in patent publications from around the world stored in the database of DEPATIS, the in-house patent information system of the DPMA”
Coverage: More than 100 000 000 patents documents
IndiaIndian Patent Officewww.ipindia.nic.inPatent Database inPASS
inPASS “Indian Patent Advanced Search System” allows a full-text search to be conducted in all the Indian Patents and Patent Applications.
JapanJapan Patent Office (JPO) Database J-PlatPat - Japan Platform for Patent Information
Coverage Range
“National literature:
Publication of unexamined patent application
1971-000001    ~ 2020-127363
Publication of PCT application (patent)    1979-500001    ~         2020-524979
Publication of granted patent application 2500001 ~ 6745010”
Foreign: US, EPO, WIPO, China, Korea, UK, DD, France, Switzerland, Canada
South KoreaKorean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) Database KIPRIS – Korea Intellectual Property Rights Information
Data Coverage View/ Database Contents
Pat. Unexam Pub.          1983.03.25 ~ 2020.08.25 3,238,246
Pat. Pub.                       1948.06.20 ~ 2020.08.25 2,118,553
United Mexican StatesMexican Institute of Industrial SIGA (Sistema de Información de la Gaceta de la Propiedad Industrial) es el Portal Oficial en Internet en el que se publica la Gaceta, con el objeto de darle difusión legal y que permite la consulta y descarga electrónica de sus ejemplares. Los acervos disponibles datan desde el año 1873.”
“El portal para la visualización electrónica de documentos de propiedad industrial (ViDoc), permite la consulta y descarga digital de los expedientes de propiedad industrial de carácter público con que cuenta el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial.”
patentes concedidas
Norway Norwegian Industrial Property Officewww.patentstyret.noPatentstyret
Patent (225 007)
RussiaRussian Federal Service for Intellectual Database FIPS
Full-text DBs of Russian Patented Inventions (in Russian) 1994 – 2018;
RUPAT_OLD - Retrospective DB of Russian patent documents in a facsimile kind in Russian (Since automatic processing patent documents in a digital format accuracy of search is not guaranteed, mistakes are possible in the submitted bibliographic information)           1924 – 1993;
RUPATABRU - Abstracts DB of Russian Applications
and Patented Inventions (in Russian) 1994 – 2018;
RUPATAP - Applications for inventions – 2018;
RUPATABEN - Abstracts DB of Russian Patented Inventions (in English) 1994 – 2018;
IMPIN - Full-text DB of "Perspective Inventions" (in Russian) - 2015”
Official Publications
Bulletin "Inventions. Utility Models" (with full specifications of Russian inventions and utility models) on CD/DVD/FTP for current year.
SwitzerlandSwiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Database included:
“Swiss and European patents with effect in Switzerland and Lichtenstein are available in Swissreg after they have been granted. This includes patents which are in force as well as patents which have been cancelled.
All Swiss patents with a filing date from January 1978 are included. Some earlier patents are also included.
European patents (EP patents) from the number EP 0 00 000 001 are included.
Swiss patent applications filed on or after 01.07.2008 are published 18 months after the date of filing, or if priority is being claimed, 18 months after the priority date and are then included in Swissreg. Swiss patent applications with a filing date prior to 01.07.2008 are not be published, with the exception of PCT applications from 01.07.2008, which are published immediately after entering the national phase.
European patent applications with effect in Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not included in Swissreg before the patent has been granted.”
United KingdomIntellectual Property Office of the United - Online Patent Information and Document Inspection Service
Using Ipsum you can:
View patent status
View up to date information on patents
Access some documents from published patent applications
See which classifications and fields of search have been used
The Patents Publication Enquiry Service covers all GB applications published and granted after 3 January 2007 and all GB corrected documents published after 1 April 2010.”
United StatesUnited States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)www.uspto.govUSPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database (PatFT)
Searching Full Text Patents (Since 1976)
Quick Search
Advanced Search
Patent Number Search
Searching PDF Image Patents (Since 1790)

*More patent information by member state WIPO (193 member states):

Региональные патентные ведомства

Страна                         Организация                        СсылкаБаза данных и покрытиеПримечание
Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, ZimbabweAfrican Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)www.aripo.orgARIPO JOURNAL
06.03.2015 – 14.08.2020
African Regional Intellectual Property Organization Search System
Patents 10732;jsessionid=06868B13669BBDDFF60295553B9C0B07
“ARIPO is mandated to grant patents on behalf of the Harare Protocol Contracting States in accordance with the provisions of the Harare Protocol on Patents, Designs and Utility Models. States currently party to the protocol are: Botswana, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.”
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo, ComorosAfrican Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle (BOPI)
Brevets d’invention 2013 – 2020
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, San Marino, TurkeyEuropean Patent Office (EPO)www.epo.orgPatent Database EPO
Espacenet, INPADOC
PATSTAT Register database
Worldwide/ EPO countries
‘…free access to over 120 million patent documents”
Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Georgia, Republic of Kazakhstan,   
Kyrgyz Republic, 
Republic of Moldova, 
Russian Federation, 
Republic of Tajikistan,
Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Tajikistan 
Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) Database ЕАПАТИС 
“Over 25 local databases (DB) constantly updated are supported by EAPATIS which by the end of 2013 contained over 56 million descriptions of patent documents. The scope of patent information provided to users (including full descriptions of patent documents in certain DB) is over 2 terabytes. The DB contains patent documents from EAPO, WIPO, European Patent Office, US Patent Office, USSR and Russia (since 1924), patent documentation of countries included in "PCT minimum documentation" with various depths of retrospectives as well as patent documents of the National Patent Offices of the CIS countries including the EAPO member-states.”
24.01.2019        “Количество документов, загруженных в поисковые массивы ЕАПАТИС, превысило 80 миллионов!”
The Eurasian Patent Convention was signed on September 9, 1994 in Moscow.  To date, the Convention is also ratified by Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova and Republic of Armenia.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Sultanate of OmanThe Patent Office of Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCCPO) Patents by Field till 24/8/2020
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 5340
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology 1302
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering 2180
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 2565
Statistical status of applications filed with the office until the date: 24/08/2020
Total field applications 40258
193 member statesWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)“…Using PATENTSCOPE you can search 90 million patent documents including 3.9 million published international patent applications (PCT)” 

Патентные поисковые системы и патентное программное обеспечение

База данных имен/
программное обеспечение
Ссылка                                  ПокрытиеПримечание
AcclaimIPAnaqua, Inc.www.acclaimip.comWorldwide
“100 million global patent documents from 102 patenting jurisdictions/ patent research software”
AmberScopeAmbercite Pty Ltdwww.ambercite.comWorldwideFind, score and rank patents.
“…clustering patent families
that cross-reference each other”
CB Insights platformCB Information Services Patent Analytics
Clearstone FTO ™ Patent Risk ManagementClearstoneIP Integrated Patent Analysis
Crowdsell Your PatentIdeaConnection
WorldwidePatent for Sale or License
TotalPatent One®
LexisNexis PatentOptimizer®
WorldwideIP DataDirect-Patents
provides worldwide patent information from national patent offices in bulk.
Research and analyse patent data..
…tools to draft higher-quality patent applications…
DEPATISnetThe German
Patent and Trade Mark Office German 
Derwent Global
Patent Data  
Derwent World Patents Index 
Derwent Patent Citation Index 
Derwent Chemical Patent Index
Clarivate “More than 43m patent families” 
Dialog®ProQuest LLCdialog.comWorldwide
“Our Dialog® search tool provides access to over 1.3 billion records across more than 140 databases of peer-reviewed literature”
DoE PatentsU.S. Department of resulting from DOE fundingIncluded here are patents that DOE sponsored through a variety of funding mechanisms, including grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.
Free Inactive Patent SearchThe MichiganTech Open Sustainability Technology (MOST)
“…search through all inactive patents in the U.S. that are less than 20 years old…”
GetthePatent.comCartesian Products, Inc.www.getthepatent.comWorldwide
The archive contains complete patent images for all USPTO, EPO, and WIPO (PCT) patents, as well as the national publications of Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Spain, and Switzerland.
Global DossierUSPTO, EPO, JPO, KIPO, and“The Global Dossier Initiative is a set of business services being developed by the IP5 Offices (USPTO, EPO, JPO, KIPO, and SIPO)”
“By using this service, users can see the patent family for a specific application, containing all related applications filed at participating IP Offices, along with the dossier, classification, and citation data for these applications.”
Google Patents Alphabet
Google Patents includes over 120 million patent publications from 100+ patent offices around the world
CPA Property software and tech-enabled services
InnovationQ PlusThe IEEE
Patent Search and Analytics Platform/ “…more than 115 million patents and applications”
Patent Coverage“…These are simple listings of quick links to all the patent databases on the Internet. They give help on the syntax and what each database covers.”
IPVision Advantage™ iScore™ (patent analytics platforms)IPVision, Claims Analysis, Patent Data Mining, interactive patent maps
Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat)National Center for Industrial Property Information and 
Lens patent
"Patents (124,298,903) = All Docs/ (68,123,319 Families)” 
Nordiska Patent 
Octimine’s cloud-based SaaS (patent search and analytics)Dennemeyer Octimine for patent search specialists
OECD Triadic Patent Families Database
OECD Citations Database
OECD HAN database
Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
IP statistics /Patent-related indicators
Orbit Intelligence /FamPat, Fullpat/
“Patents: daily updates, 54M+ patent families, 100M+ patents, worldwide coverage, all searchable translations”
PatBaseRWS Holdings
“125+ million patent and related documents from over 100 countries, updated weekly”
PatentCAMIP management software
Patent FetcherStroke of Color,
PDF format
Patent GuruPatent Guru Inc.www.patentguru.comworldwide
Patent Ranking/search >100 million patent documents world-wide
PatentInspiration www.patentinspiration.comworldwide
Patent IntegrationPatent Integration Co.
“…over 55 million patent gazettes…”
“…world's largest citation patent database covers 120 million citation records”.
PatentPak®American Chemical coverage“…full-text patents instantly from patent offices around the world.
Find the specific location of chemical substances in the patent text with a single click.”
Patent Pulse
Matheo text searches on Espacenet, EP, FR, WO, US patent databases“Patent charts, graphs and mapping.”
“…searching and exploration, innovations detection, competitors and technologies monitoring, patent survey, business evaluation, competitive intelligence, etc…”
“…statistical analysis…” tool
Patent2Net University of Toulon, Francepatent2netv2.vlab4u.infoEPO database “A patent collector and analyser…”/ using EPO's database of over 90 000 000 patents
PATONlineTechnische Universität Ilmenau (Germany)  
PAVISNovumIPwww.pavis.comWorldwidePatent and design seasrches
Worldwide service using specific search criteria
PatSnap “…the global leaders in connected innovation intelligence.” Patent landscaping reports
PCS, Dashboard 2.0, Patent Landscaping, Patent SearchDolcera Information Technology Services Pvt Ltd.www.dolcera.comWorldwide
“…over 110 million worldwide patents updated daily”
“…Dolcera is one of world’s largest patent analytics companies.”
PatSeer Global Patent Database
Patent iNSIGHT Pro
Prior Art Database
InnovationQ® platform
IP.comip.comWorldwide“…online prior art disclosure service…”
“…patent database with advanced search capabilities…” QuickPAIR helps IP Attorneys, legal counsels, head of IP departments, IP paralegals and patent information professionals to stay on top of patent prosecution information and changes. “RAPID4 enables your staff to search freely for patents in a secure space…”
Relecura Auto-Categorization
Inventor Index
5G checker
Relecura “…You can determine the strengths and gaps in your patent and technology portfolios…”
“…Power your brand using patents…”
Surf-IPIntellectual Property Office of, Japanese, Chinese, Thailand and Taiwanese patent offices, plus the USPTO (full text), PCT (full text), EPO, United Kingdom and Canadian systems 
Symphony®MaxVal Group, Free patent software and data downloads
“…powerful analytics tools and proprietary methodologies”Knowmadewww.knowmade.comRF & TELECOM
“Specializing in patent analysis and scientific information, Knowmade provides technology intelligence and IP strategy consulting services.”