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Found items: 95529
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Patent (B) The Pulsed Power Transmission Method And System Thereof / Appl. WO2020141550 / IPC: F03G3/08; F16H9/06 / Appl. Date: 01/01/2020 / United Kingdom
Details: HydroelectricEnergy, HydroPowerInGeneral
Patent (B) The Pulsed Power Transmission Method And System Thereof To Harness Gravitational Energy In Output Shaft / Appl. WO2020141551 / IPC: F03G3/08; F16H21/00; F02B75/24 / Appl. Date: 01/01/2020 / United Kingdom
Details: HydroelectricEnergy, HydroPowerInGeneral
Details: Biomass-To-Liquids(Fischer-Tropsch), PrimaryProcessing, LowEfficiencyOfMainProcesses, LowEfficiencyInGeneral, HighCostsInGeneral
Article (B) Pitch angle control of a wind turbine operating above the rated wind speed: A sliding mode control approach /L Colombo, ML Corradini, G Ippoliti, G Orlando/ISA Transactions, Volume 96, article/January 2020/ Pages 95-102/ United Kingdom
Details: WindTurbineTypeUnspecified, Blades, ControlSystemsAndEquipment, Rotors, LowEfficiencyCausedByWindVariability, LowEfficiencyOfSecondaryEquipment, HighOpex/OperationalMaintenance
Article (R) Liquefaction characteristics of offshore wind turbine with hybrid monopile foundation via centrifuge modelling /X Wang, X Zeng, X Li, J Li/Renewable Energy, Volume 145, article/January 2020/ Pages 2358-2372/ United Kingdom
Details: OffshoreWindTurbine, StructuralElements, HighOpex/OperationalMaintenance, LowEfficiencyCausedBySecondaryNaturalFactors
Article (R) Evaluation of the onshore wind energy potential in mainland China—Based on GIS modeling and EROI analysis /J Feng, L Feng, J Wang, CW King/Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 152, article/ January 2020/ United Kingdom
Details: OnshoreWindTurbine, OtherTechnologicalElements, HighCostsInGeneral, LowEfficiencyCausedBySecondaryNaturalFactors, LowEfficiencyInGeneral
Article (B) “Wind Theft” from Onshore Wind Turbine Arrays: Sensitivity to Wind Farm Parameterization and Resolution /SC Pryor, TJ Shepherd, PJH Volker, Andrea N. Hahmann, Rebecca J. Barthelmie/Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 59: Issue 1, article/1 January 2020/Page(s): 153–174/ United Kingdom
Details: OnshoreWindTurbine, Blades, LowKinetic-To-MechanicalPowerConversionEfficiency, LowEfficiencyCausedBySecondaryNaturalFactors, LowEfficiencyInGeneral
Article (B) Effect of winglet geometry on horizontal axis wind turbine performance /MG Mourad, I Shahin, SS Ayad/Engineering Reports, Volume 2, Issue 1, article/January 2020/ United Kingdom
Details: HorizontalAxisWindTurbineInGeneral, Blades, HighOpex/OperationalMaintenance, LowKinetic-To-MechanicalPowerConversionEfficiency
Article (B) Aeroelastic response of a multi-megawatt upwind horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) based on fluid–structure interaction simulation /Yasir Shkara, Martin Cardaun, Ralf Schelenz, Georg Jacobs/Wind Energy Science , vol 5, article/ January 2020 /p.141–154/ United Kingdom
Details: HorizontalAxisWindTurbineInGeneral, Rotors, StructuralElements, Blades, LowEfficiencyCausedBySecondaryNaturalFactors, LowKinetic-To-MechanicalPowerConversionEfficiency, HighOpex/OperationalMaintenance, HighOpex/RepairAndReplacement
Article (R) Airfoil design for large horizontal axis wind turbines in low wind speed regions /X Li, L Zhang, J Song, F Bian, K Yang/Renewable Energy, Volume 145, article/January 2020/ Pages 2345-2357/ United Kingdom
Details: HorizontalAxisWindTurbineInGeneral, Blades, Rotors, OtherTechnologicalElements, LowEfficiencyCausedByWindVariability, HighOpex/OperationalMaintenance, LowKinetic-To-MechanicalPowerConversionEfficiency, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact, HighCostsInGeneral