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قوة الرياح

قوة الرياح. اتجاهات 2023


Aenert news. Energy Trendsلقد كان العام الماضي بمثابة اختبار حقيقي لصناعة طاقة الرياح. وقد تم تحدي العديد من الأفكار السابقة حول هذه التكنولوجيا بشكل خطير، مما أدى إلى اتجاهات جديدة واعدة. علاوة على ذلك، أصبح العام مثمرًا لأنواع مختلفة من السجلات، والتي غالبًا ما تكون باهظة بطبيعتها، ولكن من الواضح أنها ستصبح قريبًا أحداثًا يومية. دعونا نتذكر أنه في عام 2022، وفقًا لـ GWEC، زادت...

جولدويند وفيستاس وجنرال إلكتريك للطاقة المتجددة. نتائج النشاط الإنتاجي للربع الثالث 2023


Aenert news. Energy Companiesتعتبر طاقة الرياح أداة حاسمة في التحول من الوقود الأحفوري إلى الطاقة الخالية من الكربون. وفي عدد من البلدان الكبيرة، على سبيل المثال، ألمانيا وبريطانيا العظمى وإسبانيا، تتجاوز حصة طاقة الرياح في إجمالي توليد الكهرباء 20٪. وفي الدنمارك تقترب هذه النسبة من 50%. بين عامي 2013 و2022، تضاعفت قدرة طاقة الرياح ثلاث مرات. بحلول بداية عام 2023، تركزت القدرات...

Events calendar. October 2023


Aenert news. Energy Exhibitions & ConferencesAfter the summer holidays, the activity of business representatives, investors and researchers increased significantly. Hence the noticeable increase in the number of interesting exhibitions and conferences around the world. In the field of promising technologies, there are still many different events taking place related to the promotion of hydrogen topics, to...

Goldwind, Vestas & GE Renewable. 2023Q2 Production activity results


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesThe wind energy industry continues to face significant challenges, which inevitably impact the production and financial performance of leading wind turbine manufacturers. Previously, the epicenter of the problems was the situation at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, where quality problems, a growing number of technical equipment failures, and execution of outdated...

Goldwind, Vestas & GE Renewable. 2023Q1 Production activity results


Aenert news. Energy CompaniesWind power is one of the key areas of renewable energy, which is the main hope in the efforts to counteract climate change. This predetermines considerable interest in the current state of this industry. Recently, the wind energy industry has faced a number of logistical, technological and financial difficulties, which have had a noticeable impact on production...

WindEurope 2023 Annual Event


Aenert news. Energy Exhibitions & ConferencesThe European wind industry has gathered during 25-27th of April in Copenhagen, for its annual in-depth event, hosted by WindEurope, which actively promotes wind energy across Europe, coordinates international policy, wind technologies research and analysis. The 2023 programme covered debates on every aspect of wind energy today: supply chains, permitting, grids,...

Renewable capacity statistics 2023: solar and wind at the forefront of the renewables market expansion


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsIRENA presented statistics on renewable energy over the past decade and developments in 2022. Total renewable generation capacity increased by 9.6% (+295 GW) in 2022. Solar and wind energy accounted for 90% of the net increase in renewable energy sources, with solar power continuing to lead in capacity growth: its increase was 192 GW (+22%), followed by wind power –...

GWEC Global Wind Report 2023: third-best year in the wind industry


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsThe GWEC Global Wind Report 2023 states that global commitment to renewable energy is stronger than ever, even though 78 GW of new wind power capacity in 2022 is the lowest in three years, but still the third highest in history. In addition, based on market analysis and policy measures in different countries, experts predict that wind energy installations will...

European Electricity Review 2023: Wind and Solar Generated More than Gas for the First Time


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEMBER's seventh annual European Electricity Review 2023 (CC BY-SA 4.0) analyzes the EU-27's progress in the transition from fossil fuels to clean power, providing data on electricity generation and demand in 2022 and making a forecast for 2023. In general, EМBER records an acceleration of the electricity transition in 2022, not least because of Russia's invasion of...

Wind energy. Lightning protection in wind turbine blades. Patent Analysis


Aenert news. Invention analysisPreviously, we published articles concerning the offshore wind turbines (22/08/2022), and wind turbine blade de-icing technologies (30/12/2022). Here we will review patent documents related to the technologies lightning protection in wind turbine blades. The importance of this aspect of wind turbine operation is indicated by the emergence in 2016 of a new IPC...