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Found items: 64036
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Details: Biomass-To-Liquids, OtherMethodsOfSyngasProduction, LowEfficiencyOfMainProcesses, LowEfficiencyDueToFeedQuality
Review (B) Hydrate occurrence in Europe: A review of available evidence /Timothy A. Minshull, Hector Marín-Moreno, Peter Betlem, Joerg Bialas, Stefan Bünz, Ewa Burwicz, Alejandra L. Cameselle, Gunay Cifci, Michela Giustiniani, Jess I.T. Hillman, Sebastian Hölz, John R. Hopper, Gabriel Ion, Ricardo León, Vitor Magalhaes, Yizhaq Makovsky, Maria-Pilar Mata, Michael D. Max, Tove Nielsen, Seda Okay, Ilia Ostrovsky, Nick O'Neill, Luis M. Pinheiro, Andreia A. Plaza-Faverola, Daniel Rey, Srikumar Roy, Katrin Schwalenberg, Kim Senger, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Atanas Vasilev, Juan-Tomás Vázquez/Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 111, review/January 2020/Pages 735-764/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, Exploration, HighCapex/Exploration
Article (B) Analytical modeling of methane hydrate dissociation under thermal stimulation /M. Roostaie, Y. Leonenko/Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 184, article/January 2020/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, ThermalActivation, Activation, DrillingOrCaptureInGeneral, Exploration, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProcesses, LowEfficiencyOfExplorationAndForecasting, HighOpex/Maintenance, HighCapex/Exploration
Article (R) Cementation Failure Behavior of Consolidated Gas Hydrate‐Bearing Sand /Peng Wu, Yanghui Li, Weiguo Liu, Xiang Sun, Xianjing Kong, Yongchen Song/JGR: Solid Earth, Volume 125, Issue 1, article/January 2020/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, Activation, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProcesses
Article (R) Characteristics and formation mechanism of seafloor domes on the north‐eastern continental slope of the South China Sea /Tingting Wu, Jiangong Wei, Shengxuan Liu, Yongxian Guan, Ruwei Zhang, Ming Su, Hongbin Wang, Wei Zhang, Dajiang Meng, Bin Liu/Geological Journal, Volume 55, Issue 1, article/January 2020/Pages 1-10/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, Exploration, Infrastructure&Security, HighCapex/Exploration, Clathrate-InducedSeismicProcesses
Article (B) Dynamic in-situ imaging of methane hydrate formation and self-preservation in porous media /Viktor V. Nikitin, Geser A. Dugarov, Anton A. Duchkov, Mikhail I. Fokin, Arkady N. Drobchik, Pavel D. Shevchenko, Francesco De Carlo, Rajmund Mokso/Marine and Petroleum Geology, article/January 2020/11 р./ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, Exploration, HighCapex/Exploration
Article (R) Experimental research on the breaking effect of natural gas hydrate sediment for water jet and engineering applications /Leizhen Wang, Guorong Wang, Liangjie Mao, Qiang Fu, Lin Zhong/Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 184, article/January 2020/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, OtherPhysicalActions, DrillingOrCaptureInGeneral, Treatment&Transportation, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProcesses, HighAdditionalProductionCosts, HighOpex/Maintenance
Article (B) Experimental study on micron-sized sand particles transport in the water flow path of hydrates production wellbore /Ye Chen, Xiaofeng Sun, Tie Yan, Di Yao, Ruixi Duan/Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 73, article/January 2020/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, UnderwaterDrillingAnd/OrCapture, Activation, Exploration, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProcesses, HighCapex/PreventiveMeasures, HighCapex/Exploration
Article (B) Gas‐hydrate systems and gas volumetric assessment in the lower Fangliao basin, Taiwan accretionary wedge /F. Dirgantara, A. T-S. Lin, C-S. Liu, C-C. Lin, S-C. Chen/Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol. 43(1), article/January 2020/pp 27-48/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, Exploration, Infrastructure&Security, HighCapex/Exploration, Clathrate-InducedSeismicProcesses
Article (B) Geochemical responses and implications for gas hydrate accumulation: Case study from site SHC in Shenhu Area within northern South China Sea /Ping Xiong, Hong Lu, Xinong Xie, Guangxue Zhang, Shaoying Fu, Linxiang Jiang, Peng Zhang/Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 111, article/January 2020/Pages 650-661/ United Kingdom
Details: GasHydrates, UnspecifiedTechnology, Exploration, HighCapex/Exploration