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Turmeric and gold electrodes for more efficient fuel cells


Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising technologies for replacing fossil fuels as energy source in many branches of industry. They use the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to cleanly and efficiently produce electricity. Fuel cells can work with a wide range of fuels and feedstocks and produce power for large systems such as utility power stations. They consist of a negative electrode and a positive electrode...

Improved reformer for methanol-to-hydrogen conversion


Hydrogen is considered to be one of the most important resources for the energy transition as it can be used as a transport fuel but also energise industrial processes. However, there are still several obstacles, which inhibit the widespread application of hydrogen. One of them is that hydrogen is not easy to transport. A possible solution to this problem is to convert hydrogen into methanol because methanol can be transported and...

Modified Catalysts for Improved Hydrogen Production


Cars running on hydrogen are one of the greatest hopes for achieving a cleaner environment. They are similar to electric vehicles because they also use an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. However, unlike electric vehicles they are able to produce their own electricity: in a fuel cell, hydrogen (H2) gas from the fuel tank combines with oxygen (O2) from the air to generate electricity while only water and heat are...

التحويل المباشر للميثان إلى الهيدروجين عن طريق الانحلال الحراري: الوضع والآفاق


Aenert news. Invention analysisمقدمة تعد زيادة استخدام الهيدروجين في الطاقة الحديثة شرطًا أساسيًا لانتقالها نحو أشكال منخفضة الكربون لإنتاج الطاقة واستهلاكها. يعتبر الهيدروجين فريدًا في المقام الأول لأنه يمكن استخدامه كوقود صديق للبيئة وكوسيط لتخزين الطاقة. ومع ذلك، فإن إنتاج الهيدروجين العالمي يهيمن عليه حتى الآن إصلاح غاز الميثان بالبخار، وهو الأسلوب الأكثر تنافسية من حيث التكلفة، ولكنه مصحوب...

New Discovery Improves Ethylene and Hydrogen Stability


The ability of plants to convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen has fascinated scientists for many years, serving as an inspiration to emulate nature and design similar processes to turn sunlight into sustainable fuels. These processes are summarised under the term artificial synthesis, including, for example, photocatalytic water splitting, and refer to systems which can capture and store the energy...

Global hydrogen development: great potential to accelerate the energy transition


The World Energy Council recently published a series of working papers and reports on the global development of hydrogen and its role in the energy transition. The publications explore demand dynamics and price changes for hydrogen, as well as national strategies around the world to support the development of hydrogen technologies. Thanks to the ambition to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy sources, there has...

Production of hydrogen from scrap aluminium and water


In the constant search for cleaner transportation and industry fuels as well as means of power generation, scientists have long been concerned with finding more eco-friendly ways to produce hydrogen as this energy source usually does not release CO2 emissions. Its generation, however, is responsible for a lot of pollution, since most of the production processes rely on fossil fuels as feedstock. Also, it needs to be transported to the...

Water electrolysis

Germanium-tin co-doped-hematite perovskites to improve water-splitting


Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting uses sunlight and photoelectrochemical materials to produce hydrogen from water. These photoelectrochemical materials help to directly split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The semiconductor materials used in the process are similar to those used in photovoltaic solar electricity generation. The difference is that the semiconductor is kept in a water-based electrolyte and sunlight...

Small hydrogen plants for domestic hydrogen production


Hydrogen is a commodity which is easily produced by means of electrolysis and transformed back into electricity using fuel cells. It can be generated almost anywhere with the help of renewable energy sources and also employed in private households to provide a reliable power supply. Moreover, hydrogen is a suitable storage medium for solar and wind energy. Its advantage over common batteries is its improved storage density as well as...

Enhanced Water-splitting for Hydrogen Production


Nowadays, hydrogen fuel is often produced from substances where hydrogen is only one component among other elements. Some of the substances hydrogen is obtained from, like methane, have the drawback of being harmful to the environment. To separate hydrogen from water, the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) can be used. OER generates molecular oxygen through a limiting chemical reaction, such as oxidation of water during oxygenic...