The interactive map of heavy oil provides users with the opportunity to obtain useful information about more than 1,500 fields around the world and get online access to a library of scientific articles, technical reports, news and other information on each of them, containing about 30,000 links to primary sources. As the main selection criterion, the upper value of the oil density in the fields is not more than 25 degrees API. In addition, the map includes some fields containing oil that is not formally considered a heavy oil, but classifies as hard-to-recover oil, which requires advanced production technologies similar to those of heavy oil. In total, the map shows the oil fields of more than 50 countries.
To access the library of publications for a specific field, just click on the icon corresponding to this field and with the second click in the drop-down window request a list of active links. The information was specifically selected to display the most distinguishing data, for example, oil in place, reserves (resources), area, reservoir properties, including API gravity, oil viscosity, sulfur, permeability, porosity; as well as information on oil production, including production wells, start date, companies, production, EOR Methods.
To create a list of heavy oil fields according to required criteria, simply select the relevant field in each of the sections of the generalized table (Country, Type) and the list will be generated automatically. For convenience, an active link is included in the information box for each field, indicating its location on an interactive world map.
The information provided can be useful for specialists in the field of resources and methods of unconventional oil production, students and teachers, investors, journalists and analysts.
ID | Oil Field | Country | Type | API | Map |
The data presented on the map is intended only for information, not for any professional justification or requirements, and is not a guide to action. EnerTechUp has prepared this material with due diligence, discretion and professional competence, without, however, claiming the information presented on the map to be complete, accurate and up-to-date. EnerTechUp presents this material “as is” and declares a limitation of liability, assumes no liability and disclaims any claims related to the use of this map. Please report any errors, misunderstandings or inaccuracies you find to [email protected]