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Found items: 5
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Article (R) The potential of concentrating solar power (CSP) for electricity generation in Libya /Basim Belgasim, Yasser Aldali, Mohammad J.R.Abdunnabi, Gamal Hashem, Khaled Hossin/Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 90, article/July 2018/ Pages 1-15/ United Kingdom
Details: ParabolicTrough, LowEfficiencyDueToEnvironmentalFactors, AdministrativeAndOrganisationalProblems, HighCostsInGeneral
Article (B) Experimental Evaluation of a Solar Parabolic Trough Collector under Libyan climate /Ahmed M. Ahmed, Abdelhafeed A. Albusefi, Husni. T. Izweik/International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Volume 38 Number 1 , article/August 2016/7 p./ United Kingdom
Details: ParabolicTrough, Receivers, Optics, LowEfficiencyDueToEnvironmentalFactors, LowEfficiencyInGeneral
Article (R) Life Cycle Assessment of Dernah (Libya) wind farm /S.H. Al-Behadili, W.B. El-Osta/Renewable Energy, Volume 83, article/November 2015/Pages 1227–1233/ United Kingdom
Details: OnshoreWindTurbine, OtherTechnologicalElements, EnvironmentalAndSocialImpact
Review (B) Country Analysis Brief: Libya / U.S. Energy Information Administration / November 2015, 12 pages / United Kingdom
Article (R) Modeling the Behavior of a 50 MW Direct Steam Generation Plant for Southern Libya Based on the Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Water Substance /Y. Aldali,B. Davison,T. Muneer,D. Henderson/Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,Volume 134,Issue 4/June 14, 2012/9 pp./ United Kingdom
Details: CSPInGeneral, TurbinesAndOtherPowerGeneration, LowEfficiencyOfSecondaryEquipment