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Found items: 59507
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Article (R) A high-density, high-resolution joint 3D VSP–3D surface seismic case study in the Canadian oil sands /Sylvestre Charles, Jiwu Lin, Rick Kuzmiski, Philip Leung, Ahmed Mouaki, Shiang Yong Looi, Qinglin Liu/The Leading Edge, 38(1), article/January 2019/pp. 35–44/ United Kingdom
Details: OilSands, UndergroundReservoirExploration, ExplorationProblems
Article (R) A New Approach to the Analytical Treatment of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage: A Prescribed Interface Model /Mohsen Keshavarz, Thomas G. Harding, Zhangxing Chen/SPE Journal, article/January 2019/19 p./ United Kingdom
Details: UnspecifiedOrGeneralTechnologies, SteamInjection, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction
Article (B) An experimental approach to investigating permeability reduction caused by solvent‐induced asphaltene deposition in porous media /Amin Kordestany, Hassan Hassanzadeh, Jalal Abedi/The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 97, Issue 1, article/January 2019/Pages 361-371/ United Kingdom
Details: OilSands, HeavyAndExtraHeavyOil, ChemicalStimulation, ReservoirPermeabilityImprovementAndExtraction, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction, Energy,GasOrWaterConsumption
Article (R) An Investigation Into Propagation Behavior of the Steam Chamber During Expanding-Solvent SAGP (ES-SAGP) /Zhanxi Pang, Lei Wang, Zhengbin Wu, Xue Wang/SPE Journal, article/January 2019/18 p./ United Kingdom
Details: OilSands, SteamInjection, GasInjectionOrWaterFlooding, UndefinedActivationMethod, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction, LowProductionEfficiencyInGeneral
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (B) Characterization and distributions of aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in soils of oil sand deposits area of Ondo State, Nigeria /T. A. Adedosu, O. K. Adeniyi, O. H. Adedosu/ 39th CSN Annual International Conference, Workshop and Exhibition, conference paper/January 2019/9 p./ United Kingdom
Details: OilSands, UndergroundReservoirExploration, OtherUnclassified, ExplorationProblems, EnvironmentalBalanceAndProtection
Article (B) Control of viscous fingering and mixing in miscible displacements with time‐dependent rates /Qingwang Yuan, Xiang Zhou, Jinjie Wang, Fanhua Zeng, Kelvin D. Knorr, Muhammad Imran/AIChE Journal, Volume 65, Issue 1, article/January 2019/Pages 360-371/ United Kingdom
Details: HeavyAndExtraHeavyOil, GasInjectionOrWaterFlooding, ChemicalStimulation, ReservoirPermeabilityImprovementAndExtraction, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction
Article (B) Design of field‐scale cyclic solvent injection processes for post‐CHOPS applications /Juan J. Martinez Gamboa, Juliana Y. Leung/The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume97, Issue1, article/January 2019/Pages 123-132/ United Kingdom
Details: HeavyAndExtraHeavyOil, ChemicalStimulation, UndefinedActivationMethod, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction, LowProductionEfficiencyInGeneral
Presentation, thesis, websiminar (R) Effect of Velocity and Diffusion Functionality on Nonlinear Mass Transfer Mechanisms in Solvent Oil Recovery /Shelley Lorimer, Timothy Artymko/Defect and Diffusion Forum, Volume 390, article/January 2019/pp. 168-192/ United Kingdom
Details: UnspecifiedOrGeneralTechnologies, ChemicalStimulation, ReservoirPermeabilityImprovementAndExtraction, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction
Article (B) Effects of temperature on pyrolysis characteristics of Indonesia oil sands /Chuxia Jia, Yunpeng Xiao, Hao Yu, Shishang Gong, Qing Wang/Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 137, article/January 2019/Pages 151-162/ United Kingdom
Details: OilSands, ReservoirPermeabilityImprovementAndExtraction, OtherUnclassified, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction, LowEfficiencyOfSecondaryProcessing
Article (R) Experimental Investigation of Synergy of Components in Surfactant/Polymer Flooding Using Three-Dimensional Core Model /Zheyu Liu, Hongjie Cheng, Yanyue Li, Yiqiang Li, Xin Chen, Yongtao Zhuang/Transport in Porous Media, Volume 126, Issue 2, article/January 2019/pp 317–335/ United Kingdom
Details: HeavyAndExtraHeavyOil, ChemicalStimulation, LowEfficiencyOfPrimaryProduction, LowProductionEfficiencyInGeneral