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Found items: 59507
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Presentation, thesis, websiminar (R) Analytical Method to Evaluate Casing Stress during Multi-Fracturing for Shale Gas Wells /XL Guo, J Li, YJ Zeng, SD Ding/Materials Science Forum, Vol. 944, conference paper/January 2019/p. 1050-1060/ United Kingdom
Details: TightGas/ShaleGas, Drilling(Incl.HorizontalDrilling), HighOpex/OperationAndConsumables, LowEfficiency/MainProcesses
Article (B) Hydraulic Fractures for Shale Gas Production /NMDC Ferreira, L Wu/International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, article/January 2019/15 p./ United Kingdom
Details: TightGas/ShaleGas, Exploration, FracturingMaterials/OtherMaterials, LowEfficiency/Exploration, LowEfficiency/MainProcesses
Article (R) Optimization of multilateral well configuration in fractured reservoirs /Z Lyu, X Song, L Geng, G Li /Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 172, article/January 2019/Pages 1153-1164/ United Kingdom
Details: TightOil, Drilling(Incl.HorizontalDrilling), LowEfficiency/MainProcesses, HighCostsInGeneral
Article (R) In situ stress heterogeneity in a highly developed strike-slip fault zone and its effect on the distribution of tight gases: A 3D finite element simulation study /S Yin, R Xie, Z Wu, J Liu, W Ding /Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 99, article/January 2019/Pages 75-91/ United Kingdom
Details: TightGas/ShaleGas, Exploration, LowEfficiency/Exploration, HighCapex/ExplorationAndInfrastructure, LowEfficiency/MainProcesses
Article (R) Fracture types in the lower Cambrian shale and their effect on shale gas accumulation, Upper Yangtze /Y Zhang, Z He, S Jiang, S Lu, D Xiao, G Chen, Yuchao Li/Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 99, article/January 2019/Pages 282-291/ United Kingdom
Details: TightGas/ShaleGas, Exploration, LowEfficiency/Exploration, LowEfficiency/MainProcesses, HighCapex/ExplorationAndInfrastructure
Article (R) Effect of in-situ stress contrast on fracture containment during single-and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing /PLP Wasantha, H Konietzky, C Xu/Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 205, article/ January 2019/Pages 175-189/ United Kingdom
Details: TightGas/ShaleGas, HydraulicFracturingControl, Drilling(Incl.HorizontalDrilling), LowEfficiency/MainProcesses
Article (B) Bilinear modelling, control and stability of directional drilling /Isonguyo J. Inyang, James F. Whidborn/Control Engineering Practice, Volume 82, article/January 2019/Pages 161-172/ United Kingdom
Details: CoalSeamMethane, CoalBedMethane, CoalMineMethane, Drilling, LowEfficiencyOfProductionProcesses, HighOpex/OperationAndExpendables
Article (R) Numerical simulation of foam-based hydraulic fracturing to optimise perforation spacing and to investigate effect of dip angle on hydraulic fracturing /W.A.M. Wanniarachchi, P.G. Ranjith, J.C. Li, M.S.A. Perera/Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 172, article/January 2019/Pages 83-96/ United Kingdom
Details: CoalSeamMethane, CoalBedMethane, CoalMineMethane, Drilling, HydraulicFracturing, LowEfficiencyOfProductionProcesses
Article (R) Coal Gasification in the Presence of Lithium Orthosilicate. Part 1: Reaction Kinetics /Michele D. Domenico, Suélen M. Amorim, Gabriela C. Collazzo, Humberto J. José, Regina F.P.M. Moreira/Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 141, article/January 2019/Pages 529-539/ United Kingdom
Details: Coal-To-Liquids, OtherMethodsOfSyngasProduction, LowEfficiencyOfMainProcesses, LowEfficiencyDueToEnergyLosses
Article (R) Determination of Random Pore Model parameters for underground coal gasification simulation /Sebastian Iwaszenko, Natalia Howaniec, Adam Smoliński/Energy, Volume 166, article/1 January 2019/Pages 972-978/ United Kingdom
Details: Coal-To-Liquids, UndergroundCoalGasification, LowEfficiencyOfMainProcesses, LowEfficiencyDueToFeedQuality