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Medio ambiente y cambio climático

Herramienta de aprendizaje profundo para un mejor almacenamiento de CO2


Aenert news. Environment & Climate ChangeEl cambio climático es uno de los problemas más apremiantes de nuestro tiempo y requiere medidas inmediatas para evitar sus efectos nocivos. Un instrumento para contrarrestar este desarrollo es una tecnología eficiente de captura de CO2. Esto requiere procesos complejos y sistemas digitales para optimizar la predicción de big data y reducir el tiempo de...

Índice de desempeño en materia de cambio climático 2024: Dinamarca vuelve a ser la más respetuosa con el medio ambiente


Aenert news. RatingsCada año desde 2005, el Índice de Desempeño del Cambio Climático (CCPI) compara el desempeño climático de los países, que representan más del 90% de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero. Tradicionalmente, el CCPI-2024 evalúa cuatro categorías: emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, energías renovables, consumo de energía y política climática....

Índice de Desempeño Ambiental 2022 (EPI-2022): Dinamarca es el país más ecológico del mundo


Aenert news. Environment & Climate ChangeLa edición 2022 del Índice de Desempeño Ambiental (EPI-2022) tradicionalmente clasifica a 180 países según su desempeño en la protección de los ecosistemas y la mitigación del cambio climático. El EPI-2022 muestra qué países están abordando mejor los desafíos ambientales utilizando 40 indicadores de desempeño en 11 categorías de temas y 3 objetivos de políticas:...

CO2 para alimentar un sistema de calefacción subterráneo


Aenert. Noticias del Laboratorio de Investigación En vista de la inminente crisis climática a la que nos enfrentamos actualmente, encontrar una solución viable para mitigar la influencia nociva de las emisiones de CO2 es de suma importancia. En este contexto, capturar dióxido de carbono y bombearlo a gran profundidad mediante captura y almacenamiento geológico de carbono (CAC) parece ser una solución esencial para alcanzar los...

New catalyst for dry reforming of methane to produce hydrogen


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsWith energy demand rising around the globe and efforts being made to produce the greater part of the energy consumed from renewables because of their obvious environmental benefits, scientists around the world supported by local governments are seeking to find means which can fulfill both conditions: reduce emissions as well as produce sufficient amounts of energy...

Air Pollution Statistics: Significant Reduction over 30 Years


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEmissions of air pollutants in Europe have decreased considerably over the last 31 years, according to the recent data presented by Eurostat. The statistics include sulphur oxides, nitrous oxides, ammonia, fine particular matter and non-methane volatile organic compounds, but do not analyse greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1990, the largest reduction in...

Biomass-Plastic Fuel Blend from Entrained Flow Gasification


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsReplacing fossil fuels with more sustainable products derived from biomass has been widely considered as an option to mitigate climate change as well as counteract future fuel shortages caused by dwindling fossil resources. As opposed to traditional fuels such as coal, natural gas and petroleum, biomass fuel is carbon-neutral, sustainable and has manageable...

2023 Global Gas Flaring Tracker Report: 139 billion m3 gas flared during 2022


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe World Bank, in its the 2023 Gas Flaring Tracker Report, states that global gas flaring decreased by about 3% in 2022. Given that gas flaring has remained virtually unchanged over the past 10 years, this reduction is some progress. However, experts stress the need for greater efforts to end this wasteful and polluting practice. In addition, the report's troubling...

Government expenditure on environmental protection in the EU


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEurostat has published a set of statistics containing data on total government spending in the European Union by function, one of which focuses on financial expenditures on environmental protection including waste management, water waste management, pollution abatement, protection of biodiversity and landscape etc. According to released statistics, the EU spent...

Integrated Water-Gas-Shift (WGS) / Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture Process


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsThe water gas shift reaction (WGSR) is an exothermic reaction taking place between carbon monoxide and steam to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen. In typical industrial applications, the WGSR is conducted as a two-stage process: the high temperature stage performed over an iron-based catalyst in the temperature range 320 – 450°C; the low temperature stage with ...