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Energiewirtschaft in Aserbaidschan
License SS BY-SA 4.0 _ Last Updated: December 16, 2024
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    1G biofuelsFirst generation biofuels are produced directly from food crops
    2G biofuelsSecond generation biofuels are produced from non-food crops
    3G biofuelsThird generation biofuels on the other hand mostly refers to those derived from algae
    AAPGAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists
    ABARESAustralian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
    ADEMEL’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie  (French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management)
    AEBIOMEuropean Biomass Association
    AEEAsociación Empresarial Eólica (Spain)
    AGAAmerican Gas Association
    AMMAbandoned Mine Methane
    APGAssociated Petroleum Gas
    API or API gravityThe American Petroleum Institute gravity
    AUAssessment unit
    BEVBattery-electric vehicle
    BGRBundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
    BPBritish Petroleum
    BTLBiomass to liquid
    BtL-FTBiomass to liquid using Fischer-Tropsch process
    CBMCoal Bed Methane
    CCGTCombined cycle power plant
    CCPIClimate Change Performance Index
    CHPCombined heat and power
    CIPACentro de Investigacion en Polimeros Avanzados (Advanced Polymer Research Center)
    CMMCoal Mine Methane
    CNGCompressed natural gas
    COCarbon monoxide
    CO2Carbon dioxide
    CONICETConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)
    CPVConcentrator photovoltaics
    CSIROCommonwealth Scinetific and Industrial Research Orginization
    CSM Coal Seam Methane
    CSPConcentrated Solar Power
    CTLCoal to Liquids
    DMEDimethyl Ether
    DNIDirect Normal Irradiation
    DOEDepartment of Energy
    DPRKDemocratic People's Republic of Korea
    E85A fuel containing a mixture of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline
    E95A fuel containing a mixture of 95 percent ethanol and 5 percent gasoline
    EAPIEnergy Architecture Performance Index
    EDGAREmission Database for Global Atmospheric Research
    EDREconomic Demonstrated Resources
    EGSEnhanced Geothermal System
    EIAEnergy Information Administration
    ENAPEmpresa Nacional del Petróleo (National Petroleum Company)
    EOREnhanced oil recovery
    EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
    EPIEnvironmental Performance Index
    ESMAPEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program
    ETP 2DSEnergy Technology Perspectives  Scenario (projected to limit warming to 2°C)
    EUEuropean Union
    EVIEnvironmental Vulnerability Index
    FGRFlare Gas Recovery
    FPSOFloating Production Storage and Offloading Unit
    GCRThe Global Competitiveness Report
    GDIGlobal Direct Irradiation
    GDPGross domestic product
    GENIGlobal Energy Network Institute
    GGFRGlobal Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership
    GHGGreenhouse Gases
    GHIGlobal Horizontal Irradiation
    GIIGlobal Innovation Index
    GMIGlobal Methane Initiative
    GORGas to oil ratio
    GTLGas to liquids
    GWECGlobal Wind Energy Council
    HCPVHigh-Concentration Systems
    HVDCHigh voltage direct current
    HVACHeating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
    IEAInternational Energy Agency
    IFPInstitut français du pétrole (French Institute of Petroleum)
    INSEADInstitut Européen d’Administration des Affaires
    IRENAInternational Renewable Energy Agency
    JRCEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre
    KNPCKuwait National Petroleum Company
    KOSEPKorea South-East Power
    LCPVLow-Concentration Systems
    LEDLight-emitting diode
    LFGLandfill gas
    LGRLiquids to gas ratio
    LNGLiquefied Natural Gas
    LOHCThe Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier
    LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
    MBHWMultibranched Horizontal Wells
    MSWMunicipal Solid Waste
    MTGMethanol to gasoline
    NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement
    NDRCNational Development and Reform Commission (China)
    NEANational Energy Administration  (China)
    NELHANatural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority 
    NETLNational Energy Technology Laboratory
    NGLNatural gas liquids
    NGONon Government Organisation
    NIOCNational Iranian Oil Company
    NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
    NTNUNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
    OAPECThe Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
    OECDOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development
    OGIFFOil and gas integrated field file
    OPECThe Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela)
    ORCOrganic Rankine Cycle
    OTECOcean thermal energy conversion
    OMV Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung (Austrian Mineral Oil Administration)
    PBLPlanbureau voor de Leefomgeving (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
    PEM elecrolysisPolymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis
    PGNIGPolskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (Polish Mining and Gas Extraction Company)
    PHEVPlug-in hybrid electric vehicle
    PHWRPressurized heavy-water reactor
    PNNLPasific Northwest National Laboratory
    PPPPurchasing power parity
    PVCPhotovoltaic cell
    QSQuacquarelli Symonds
    RECAIRenewable energy country attractiveness index
    SAGDSteam-assisted gravity drainage
    SDHSolar District Heating
    SEASistema Eléctrico de Aysén (Electric System of Aysén)
    SEGSociety of Exploration Geophysicists
    SEMSistema Eléctrico de Magallanes (Electric System of Magallanes)
    SENERSistema de Información Energética (Mexico)
    SICSistema Interconectado Central (Central Interconnected System)
    SINGSistema Interconectado del Norte Grande (Interconnected System of Norte Grande)
    SINTEF Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning
    SNGSynthetic natural gas
    SO2Sulfur dioxide
    SOCARState Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic
    SOPACSouth Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
    SWERASolar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment
    SWHSolar water heating
    TFECTotal final energy consumption
    TPESTotal primary energy supply
    TPSTotal petroleum system
    UCGUnderground coal gasification
    UKUnited Kingdom
    UNEPUnited National Environment Programme
    UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
    U.S. or U.S.A.United States of America
    US$, $, USDThe United States dollar
    USGSUnited States Geological Survey
    VAMVentilation air methane
    WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
    WITSWorld Integrated Trade Solution
    YPFYacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales
    ZEVZero-emission vehicle
  • UNITS 
    B, bbl  barrel or barrels  1 bbl =158.984 liter 
    barmetric unit of pressure1 bar = 100 kPa = 0.987 atm
    BB billion barrels  
    BBLbillion barrels of petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids 
    BBNGLbillion barrels of natural gas liquids  
    BBO billion barrels of crude oil 
    bcfbillion cubic feet1 bcf = 0,028 billion cubic meters
    BCFGbillion cubic feet of natural gas 
    bcmbillion cubic meter1 bcm = 35,3 billion cubic feet
    bkWhbillion kilowatthours 
    bln cbmbillion cubic meters 
    blpd barrels of liquids per day  
    BOE or BBOEbarrels of oil equivalent 
    BL barrels of petroleum liquids;
    includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids
    BNGLbarrels of natural gas liquids 
    BObarrels of crude oi 
    BOEbarrels of oil equivalent 
    Btubritish thermal units 1 Btu = 1.054 ÷ 1.060 kJ (kilojoules)
    Btu/lb     british thermal units per pound 
    BW barrels of water 
    bpd  barrels per day 
    BSCFDbillion standard cubic feet per day 
    °C degree Celsius 
    cbmcubic metres 
    cf cubic feet  1 cf = 0.02832 m3
    cfd cubic feet per day 
    CFGcubic feet of natural gas      
    Cond.     condensate 
    cP or mPa·scentipoise or millipascal seconds (viscosity) 
    EJExajoule1 EJ = 1018 J (joule)
    EJ / yrExajoule per year 
    EUREstimated ultimate recovery 
    °F Degree Fahrenheit  
    ftfoot or feet  
    ft³cubic feet 
    g / cm3gram per cubic centimeter 
    GJgigajoule1 GJ = 109 J (joule)
    GtCgigatons of carbon 
    GWegigawatt electrical 
    GWh gigawatt hours      
    GWh (th)thermal potential 
    hahectar1 ha = 10.000 m2
    h, hrhour 
    HIhydrogen index 
    J joule1 J = 0.2390 cal (gram calories)
    kg kilogram  
    kgoe kilogram(s) of oil equivalent 
    kl kilolitres 
    klaa/akilolitres absolute alcohol per year 
    kl/yearkilolitres per year 
    km  kilometre 
    km2square kilometre 
    ktoe kiloton of oil equivalent    
    kV kilovolt   
    kWh  kilowatthour(s)    
    KWh/m2/dkilowatt-hours per square meter per day 
    kW/mkilowatt per meter (wave power density) 
    L petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids 
    lbpound or pounds   
    ltlong ton     1lt = 2240 lb (1016 kg)     
    mmetre or meter1 m ≈ 3.2808 ft
    m2  square meters 
    m3cubic meter 
    MBthousand barrels  
    MBBLsthousand standard barrels 
    MBNGL thousand barrels of natural gas liquids 
    MBO thousand barrels of crude oil   
    MBOEthousand barrels of oil equivalent    
    mcf  thousand cubic feet  
    MCf / daythousand cubic feet per day 
    mcfg thousand cubic feet of natural gas  
    mi2square miles 
    m/s metre per second 
    m/secmetre per second 
    mlnbblmillion barrels   
    mln ft3/daymillion cubic feet per day 
    mln t/yearmillion tonnes per year 
    mmcf  million cubic feet     
    mmcfgmillion cubic feet of natural gas   
    Mcm, mcm     million cubic meters 
    MMB million barrels      
    MGD million gallons per day 
    MGY  million gallons per year 
    mln cfd     million cubic feet per day  
    mln kl million kilolitres  
    MM (mln) million      
    mmbbl million barrels 
    MMBNGLmillion barrels of natural gas liquids 
    MMBtu million British thermal units 
    MMm³ million cubic meters1 MMSCF = 35,3 million cubic feet 
    MMSCFmillion standard cubic feet 
    MMBO million barrels of crude oil  
    MMBOE million barrels of oil equivalent      
    MMscfd million standard cubic feet per day   
    MMst million short tons  
    MMT CO2, MmtCO2emillion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents 
    mtmetric ton 1 mt = 2204 lb (1000 kg) 
    Mtoe million tons of oil equivalent   
    mtpa  million tonnes per year 
    MW   megawatt 
    Mwe, Mwel megawatt electric  
    MWh, MWthmegawatt hour  
    MWp  megawatt of power      
    Nm³ normal cubic meter 
    Nm3/hrnormal cubic meter per hour 
    PJ petajoule 
    PWhpetawatt hour1 Pwh = 1012 kWh
    scfdstandard cubic feet per day 
    SCFM  standard cubic feet per minute   
    short tons 1 short tons = 2000 lb (907.2 kg)
    Sm³, Smc metro cubo standard (standard cubic meter)  
    ttons  or metric tonne 
    t/atonnes per annum 
    t/year, t/y, tpy ton per year      
    TCF  trillion cubic feet  1 TCF = 0,028 trillion cubic meters  
    TCFG trillion cubic feet of natural gas   
    Tcm  trillion cubic meters   
    TJ  terajoule  
    t/m³tonne per cubic meter 
    tpdtons per day 
    tphtons per hour  
    Tscf  trillions of standard cubic feet 
    tU  tonnes of uranium  
    tU/yearthermal unit per year 
    TWh terawatt hour  
    W/kgThe power-to-weight ratio (specific power) 
    W/LPower Density  
    W/m2 watt per square metre