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Suncor Energy Inc.、Imperial Oil Limited、Сenovus Energy Inc. 2024 年第 4 季度生产活动结果


Aenert news. Energy Companies加拿大石油工业和最重要公司的财务状况作为世界石油市场状况的指标之一具有实际意义。加拿大石油储量巨大,其中大部分是难以开采的油砂。这种油的提取和后续加工需要额外的技术和财务成本。简单的考虑表明,全球石油市场的任何负面趋势首先应该反映在最困难的生产领域。这在实践中并不总是得到证实,但尽管如此,如果加拿大石油工业出现下滑,这将是全球市场发生变化的严重信号之一。 不幸的是,迄今为止,加拿大石油产量的官方数据仅限于去年10月。然而,去年最后两个月的数据不太可能显着改变这一情况。整个国家的平均每日石油产量指标以及领先公司的年度财务和生产指标使我们能够评估加拿大石油工业的状况相当稳定。 Production of Canadian crude oil and equivalent (average, b/d) ...

2023 年锂统计


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructure今年1月,美国地质调查局发布了2023年锂资源和产量状况报告。此外,此前的2022年数据也已更新。 仍未提供有关美国锂产量的信息。 据资料显示,全球锂资源量达到1.05亿吨,同比增长7%多一点。 与去年同期相比,最大的锂资源集中在玻利维亚和阿根廷,分别为2300万吨和2200万吨。 去年,这些国家的资源量均增加了 200 万吨。 全球锂储量也从上年同期的2600万吨大幅增加至2800万吨。 对这一过程贡献最大的是阿根廷,增加了90万吨储量,巴西增加了14万吨。 中国的储量严重减少,减少了30%以上,降至200万吨。 有关世界锂资源和储量的更多信息可以在下面的地图上找到。 Map of global lithium production and reserves 就发现新锂矿床的报道而言,过去的一年是富有成效的。...

Suncor Energy Inc.、Imperial Oil Limited、Сenovus Energy Inc. 2023 年第三季度生产活动结果


Aenert news. Energy Companies如果我们考虑合成原油的生产,加拿大是世界上五个最大的石油生产国之一,合成原油是油砂浓缩的产物。 同时,油砂是加拿大庞大石油储量的基础,其储量超过 1600亿桶。 与传统石油生产相比,这显着增加了运营成本。 在这方面,对加拿大石油工业指标和最重要公司财务状况的分析作为世界石油市场状况的指标之一具有实际意义。 加拿大石油工业的主要产品是常规轻质原油、改质沥青和重质原油。 同时,在此列表中占主导地位的是升级沥青和重质原油。 据加拿大统计局数据,今年第三季度,加拿大原油及当量产量达 413,253,320 桶(4,491,884 桶/日),比上一季度增加 0.5%,比同季度增加近 9% 一年前的一个季度。 以下是加拿大三大专门生产和加工油砂的公司——Suncor Energy Inc.、Genovus Energy Inc. 和...

石墨:资源、生产和前景。 消息


艾纳特新闻。能源和基础设施 如今,石墨已成为未来发展的所谓“关键”材料中讨论最多的项目。这并不意外,因为许多专家长期以来一直在暗示石墨的生产和需求之间日益不平衡。 然而,在中国今年10月对一些重要石墨品种实施出口限制后,形势已经超出了冷静分析的范围,需要采取更积极和具体的措施来防止某些行业可能出现的生产中断。经济。让我们尝试了解问题的本质及其解决方案的选择。 为什么石墨被列入关键材料清单? 石墨在原子结构层面上是一种碳基晶体材料,由多层石墨烯堆叠而成。 石墨的许多独特性能众所周知:密度低、耐化学影响、令人满意的强度和导电性、良好的导热性、接近 4000oC 的极高熔点。 我们不会进一步扩展有关石墨特性的已知事实列表(它们可以在任何参考书中轻松找到),而只会详细讨论一个很少提及的特性,该特性与本评论的主题直接相关。 它被称为嵌入能力。 用最简单的术语来说,它是一种物质将另一种物质的原子放入其晶格中而不产生严重后果的能力。...

„Huff & Puff“ Geothermal Fracking for improved Energy Storage


Aenert. Research Laboratory newsGeothermal energy is a type of renewable power which is found deep underneath the Earth. Other than wind and solar power, geothermal power does not require large surface facilities or produce harmful CO2 emissions. Traditional geothermal plants use water from reservoirs located deep underground to power turbines which then generate electricity. However, this...

2023 Global Gas Flaring Tracker Report: 139 billion m3 gas flared during 2022


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe World Bank, in its the 2023 Gas Flaring Tracker Report, states that global gas flaring decreased by about 3% in 2022. Given that gas flaring has remained virtually unchanged over the past 10 years, this reduction is some progress. However, experts stress the need for greater efforts to end this wasteful and polluting practice. In addition, the report's troubling...

Europe Gas Track Report 2023: A policy shift towards LNG


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe new edition of the Europe Gas Tracker Report 2023 developed by Global Energy Monitor describes gas infrastructure in the European Union and surrounding nations, including gas pipelines, liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, gas-fired power plants, and gas fields. 2022 war marked by record high prices on the global natural gas market. That, plus a massive...

Lithium Statistics 2022


Aenert news. Energy resources and infrastructureThe rapid growth in sales of various types of electric vehicles in 2021 and 2022 has caused a high demand for lithium from lithium-ion battery manufacturers. According to the USGS, batteries accounted for 65% of the global end-use markets for lithium in 2020. Now, according to some sources, this share may be as high as 80%. This seems quite obvious when taking into...

Eurostat Renewable Energy Statistics: Renewables accounted for 22% of the energy consumed in the EU in 2021


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsEurostat provided recent statistics on the share of energy from renewable sources overall and in three consumption sectors (electricity, heating and cooling, and transport) in the EU. These statistics are based on complete data for the year 2021, comparing them with figures dating back to 2004. In 2021, the share of gross final energy consumption...

Baker Hughes: Rig Count 2022


Aenert news. Energy Market & Energy StatisticsAs every year, Baker Hughes has published 2022 rig counts for major regions and countries on its website in January. A change in the number of rigs may be indicative of the level of business activity in the oil and gas sector and form the basis for forecasting future oil and gas production. After a staggering 38% decline in the number of active rigs in 2020, the...