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缅甸,正式名称为缅甸联邦共和国(1989 年之前称为缅甸),是东南亚的一个国家,西北与孟加拉国和印度接壤,东北与中国接壤,东部和东南部与老挝和泰国接壤,濒临安达曼海南部和西南部是孟加拉湾。

Myanmar/Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Capital: NaypyidawDensity: 81/km2Currency: Kyat (K) (MMK)
Official languages:  NaypyidawLife expectancy at birth: 67.26 yearsGDP (PPP): $322.296 billion (2023)
Independence Day: 04 JanuaryArea: 676,577 km2GDP - per capita (PPP): $5,905 (2023)
Population: 54,577,997 (2023)Coastline: 2,227 kmInternet country code: .mm

根据 2023 年的统计数据,缅甸在领土面积方面位居世界第 41 位,人口约为 5460 万。就人口密度而言,该国位居世界第 133 位。该国海岸线长度为 2,227 公里。缅甸在法律上被定义为议会制共和国,事实上该国由称为国家行政委员会的军政府控制。缅甸分为 7 个地区、7 个州和 1 个联邦属地。首都是内比都,最大的城市是仰光 [1,2,3,4,5]。

Colorful bright sunrise in with temples, fields and working cattle, Bagan. Envato Elements. BNY6JL2Z4F

缅甸相对于其他国家的评级位置是根据一系列经济、能源、创新和教育指数以及反映环境状况的指标确定的。经济指标包括人均 GDP、年平均 GDP 增长率、高科技出口等。能源指数清单包括石油、天然气和煤炭的已探明储量、总生产消费比和能源使用量等。每个指数都有一个包含成员国的排名列表。由于每个指数的每个评级中的国家数量不同,因此感兴趣的国家的位置显示在特殊的图表上,其中纵轴是从 0 到 1 的统一相对刻度,而横轴表示各种指数和与下面给出的描述相关的相应数字。
因此,在这种相对的“0-1”图中,国家的位置用一个点标记,与其在原始评级列表中的位置成比例。如果该国在所选指标方面处于领先地位,它将在相关图表“0-1”的上方绿色区域标记为接近 1,如果该国在评级列表中处于外部,则它将被标记为图表“0-1”的下方红色区域,依此类推。


1. GDP (purchasing power parity), 2020 est. / The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *228
2. GDP - per capita (PPP), 2020 / The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *229
3. Inflation rate (consumer prices), 2019 est. / The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *228
4. Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$), 2020 / International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook, and data files. / License: CC BY-4.0 *88
5. The Global Competitiveness Index 2019 / Rankings / Reports / World Economic Forum *141
6. High-technology exports (current US$) 2019-2020 / United Nations, Comtrade database through the WITS platform / License: CCBY-4.0 / Data *134
7. 2021 Index of Economic Freedom / International Economies / The Heritage Foundation *178
8. Reserves of foreign exchange and gold, 2017 est. / The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency *195
9. Annual average GDP growth in %, for the last 10 years (2011-2020) / World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files / License: CC BY-4.0  *206
10. Public debt (% of GDP), 2017 est. / The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency (from smallest to largest) *210
  * Total number of countries participating in ranking

图 1. 缅甸经济指数

排名中缅甸最高的指标是年平均 GDP 增长率(0.84)和公共债务占 GDP 的百分比(0.74)。基于购买力平价的国内生产总值相对较


缅甸拥有丰富的化石燃料储量,其中天然气储量占世界总量的 0.31%,石油储量占 0.008%。该国煤炭储量仅占世界总量的 0.02%。缅甸人口约占世界人口的 0.7%。然而,该国的天然气储量却远低于世界领先国家。例如,该国的天然气储量比卡塔尔少约 36 倍,比阿拉伯联合酋长国少约 10 倍 [6]。
以吨油当量计算,根据 2024 年的数据,按燃料类型划分的常规探明储量为:天然气 74.6%、煤炭 22.9%、石油 2.5%(图 5)。

表1. 缅甸化石能源资源

Resource /ExplanationsCrude oil*Natural gas*Coal*Oil shale (kerogen)**
Unitbillion barrelsTcfmillion short tonsmillion barrels


水电在缅甸的发电中发挥着重要作用,占 2022 年所有可再生电力的约 96.5%,其次是生物能源 (2.2%) 和太阳能光伏 (1.3%)。然而,该国并未充分利用其整体水电潜力(每年 140,000 千兆瓦时 [12])。此外,缅甸在水电以外的可再生能源开发方面具有巨大潜力。该国的太阳能潜力估计为 4.7-5.2 千瓦时/平方米/天,在中部干旱地区高达 5.5 千瓦时。该国西部沿海地区和德林达依地区具有良好的风力发电潜力,50 米高度的风速可达 6 米/秒。

表2. 缅甸可再生能源资源

Solar Potential
Wind Potential
(50 м)*
Bio Potential
(agricultural area)
Bio Potential
(forest area)
Hydro energy
Municipal Solid
UnitkWh/m2/daym/s% of land area% of land areaGWh/yearkg/per capita/day


NYAUNG-U. Country: Myanmar. Latitüde: 21.2. Longitude: 94.92
Sky cover, %

Please see details here.

YANGON INTL. Country: Myanmar. Latitiude: 16.91. Longitude: 96.13. 10 m.
Wind speed, m/s

Please see details here.




Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Sep 2024) /

2. 缅甸化石燃料的生产和消费(左 — 煤炭,中 — 天然气,右 — 石油)

至于缅甸化石燃料的生产与消费比率,情况则截然相反。例如,石油产量远远落后于需求:2023 年,石油消费量是产量的 19 倍多。天然气的情况则截然相反:天然气产量是国内消费量的四倍。煤炭是一种化石燃料,其生产和消费大致处于同一水平,与 2015 年相比,煤炭产量增长了近三倍。

                                      Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Sep 2024) / 
图 3. 缅甸发电量

过去十年,缅甸发电总量增长了近 200%。到 2022 年,约 58% 的电力由火力发电厂生产,40% 由水力发电厂生产。可再生能源也对发电的整体平衡做出了贡献,到2022年将达到近2%的份额。这并不是一个很高的数字,但相比之下,2010年发电总量中除了水力发电外没有其他可再生能源。 。

1. Crude oil proved reserves, 2021 / International Energy Statistic/Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021)*98
2. Natural gas proved reserves 2021 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *99
3. Total recoverable coal reserves 2019 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *81
4. Combination production-consumption for Crude oil 2018 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *219
5. Combination production-consumption for Natural gas 2019 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *123
6. Combination production-consumption for Coal 2019 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *128
7. Electricity – from other renewable sources (% of total installed capacity), 2017 est. / The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency *170
8. GDP per unit of energy use (PPP per unit of oil equivalent), 2020 *66
Primary energy consumption - BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021/BP;
GDP (purchasing power parity) - The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency
9. Energy use (primary energy use of oil equivalent per capita) 2020  *127
Primary energy consumption – BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021; Population - United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, custom data acquired via website. Retrieved 15 November 2021
10. The Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report (EAPI) 2017 / Rankings / Reports / World Economic Forum
11. Electric power consumption (kWh per capita), 2016 *217
Electricity Consumption - The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency; Population - United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, custom data acquired via website. Retrieved 15 November 2021

12. Combination of electricity production-consumption (kWh)/The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *216

* Total number of countries participating in ranking

图 4. 缅甸能源指数



Map of fossil fuel infrastructure in Myanmar
                                       图5 缅甸化石燃料行业基础设施(点击地图查看PDF版本)


Yangon oil terminal. Myanmar

Map of power plants and Renewable energy infrastructure in Myanmar
                                        图 6. 缅甸的电力生产和可再生能源(点击地图查看 PDF 版本)

缅甸约 51% 的电力来自使用化石燃料的发电厂,其中大部分是燃气发电厂。最大的燃气发电厂位于该国南部仰光地区和孟邦边境地区。仰光地区还有 477 兆瓦的液化天然气发电厂 Thaketa,这是缅甸首个投入使用的液化天然气发电厂。
缅甸拥有广泛的水力发电厂网络。它们生产了 47% 以上的电力。其中最大的是 Yeywa,是一座 790 兆瓦的水力发电厂,位于缅甸中部的 Myitnge 河上。
纵观所有可再生能源,2022 年,水力发电厂在发电量中占主导地位(超过 96.5%),其次是生物能源(2.2%)和太阳能光伏(约 1.3%)。Mgway 地区的 Minbu 太阳能发电厂被认为是东南亚最大的太阳能发电厂之一。
缅甸政府的能源政策旨在通过增加国内可用一次能源资源的生产和开发可再生能源来确保该国的能源独立。该国要解决的重要挑战之一是确保普遍的电力供应,如果利用生物质、太阳能和风能等可再生能源的丰富潜力,就有可能实现这一目标。根据缅甸的能源总体规划,政府计划到 2030 年实现 87% 的电气化,尽管目前的情况表明这一目标无法实现 [14]。



1. The Global Innovation Index 2021, Rankings / Knowledge / World Intellectual Property Organization / Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO (2021):
Energizing the World with Innovation. Ithaca, Fontainebleau, and Geneva *132
2. Patent Grants 2011-2020, resident & abroad / Statistical country profiles / World Intellectual Property Organization *185
3.Patents in Force 2020 / Statistical country profiles / World Intellectual Property Organization *109
4. QS World University Rankings 2022 *97
5. SCImago Country Rankings (1996-2020) / Country rankings / SCImago, (n.d.). SIR-SCImago Journal & Country Rank [Portal]. Retrieved 17 Nov 2021 *240
6. Internet users in 2018 / The World Factbook / Central Intelligence Agency *229
7. Internet users in 2018 (% Population) / The World Factbook / Central Intelligence Agency *229
8. Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP), 2019 / United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics.
License: CCBY-4.0 / Data as of September 2021*177
9. Research and development expenditure (% of GDP), 2018 / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. License: CCBY-4.0 / Data *119
10. Scientific and technical journal articles, 2018 / National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators. License: CCBY-4.0 / Data *197
  * Total number of countries participating in ranking

描述缅甸在与教育和创新相关的各种国际排名中的大多数指数都低于世界平均水平。该国排名最低的是 2021 年全球创新指数 (0.04)、政府教育支出 (0.03) 和研发支出 (0.03)。此外,该国没有有效专利​​的信息,而且缅甸大学也没有被纳入QS世界大学排名,因此这两个位置在上图中显示为空。由于人口众多,缅甸在互联网用户绝对数量上得分很高(0.83),但如果看看用户数量占总人口的比例,该国在这方面属于局外人(0.24) 。缅甸在 SCimago 国家排名 (0.48) 和科学技术期刊文章 (0.45) 中得分平均。



1. CO2 total emission by countries 2020 / European Commission / Joint Research Centre (JRC) / Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR)*208
2. CO2 per capita emission 2020/European Commission/Joint Research Centre (JRC) / Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) *208
3. Forest area 2020 (% of land area) / The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations *234
4. Forest area change 2010-2020 (1000 ha/year) / The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations *234
5. The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2020 / Rankings / Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy / Yale University *180
6. Annual freshwater withdrawals (m3 per capita), 2017 *179
Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion m3), 2017 – Food and Agriculture Organization, AQUASTAT data. /License: CC BY-4.0; 
Population – United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019).
World Population Prospects 2019, custom data acquired via website. Retrieved 15 November 2021
7. The National Footprint Accounts 2017 (Biocapacity Credit / Deficit) / Global Footprint Network *188
8. Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent), 2018 / Data for up to 1990 are sourced from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environmental Sciences Division,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, United States. Data from 1990 are CAIT data: Climate Watch. 2020. GHG Emissions. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.
Available at: License : Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)  *191
9. The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2022 / Overall Results / Jan Burck, Thea Uhlich, Christoph Bals, Niklas Höhne, Leonardo Nascimento /
Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute & Climate Action Network *60

  * Total number of countries participating in ranking
图8. 缅甸环境指数

缅甸属于二氧化碳排放量(0.31)和甲烷排放量(0.12)较多的国家之一。这些事实也是其环境绩效指数排名较低的原因(0.01)。此外,在该国的环境问题中,值得注意的是2010-2020年森林面积变化的负趋势(0.03)。然而,由于仍然拥有大量森林资源(0.69)和整体生物多样性,缅甸在国家足迹账户中排名相当靠前(0.75)。该国未纳入 2022 年气候变化绩效指数 (CCPI),因此图表中的这一位置仍然空缺。总体而言,缅甸的环境状况需要显着改善。

55065,Sunrise over mountains and lake, Hp-Aan, Kayin, Myanmar. Envato Elements. CY7KG8MPX6


[1] List of sovereign states and dependencies by area / Wikipedia /
[2] List of countries and dependencies by population density / Wikipedia /
[3] Myanmar / The world factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency /
[4] GDP, PPP
(current international $) / World Bank, International Comparison Program database. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank /
[5] GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) / World Bank, International Comparison Program database. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank /
[6] International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Dec 2022) /
[7] 2010 Survey of Energy Resources (PDF) / 2010 / Uploads / World Energy Council /
[8] Solar resource data obtained from the Global Solar Atlas, owned by the World Bank Group and provided by Solargis / Global Solar Atlas /
[9] Wind Map / Global Wind Atlas 2.0, a free, web-based application developed, owned and operated by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in partnership with the World Bank Group, utilizing data provided by Vortex, with funding provided by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). For additional information:
[10] Agricultural land (% of land area) /Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank /
[11] Forest area (% of land area) /Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank /
[12] Hydro (PDF) / World Energy Council /

[13] What a Waste 2.0 / Data/ The World Bank /
[14] Myanmar Energy Master Plan (EMP) / Asia Pacific Energy Portal /

