土库曼斯坦是中亚国家,北部与哈萨克斯坦接壤,北部和东部与乌兹别克斯坦接壤,东南部与阿富汗接壤,南部与伊朗接壤。该国西部可通往里海。该国海岸线总长 1,768 公里。根据 2022 年的统计数据,土库曼斯坦的领土面积位居世界第 55 位,人口约为 570 万。就人口密度而言,该国位居世界第225 位。土库曼斯坦是一个总统共和国,首都位于阿什哈巴德 [1,2,3]。
Turkmenistan | ||
Capital: Ashgabat | Density: 13/km2 | Currency: Manat (TMT) |
Official languages: Turkmen | Life expectancy at birth: 68.69 years | GDP (PPP): $126.132 billion (2023 est.) |
National Day: 27 September | Area (land): 491,210 km2 | GDP - per capita (PPP): $19,938 (2023 est.) |
Population: 6,516,100 (2023 est.) | Coastline: 1768 km | Internet country code: .tm |
Source: [1,2,3,4,5]
General Views to the president palace. Ashkhabad. Turkmenistan / iStock 2092085002
因此,在这样一个相对的“0-1”图中,该国家的位置按照其在原始评级列表中的位置成比例地用点来标记。如果该国在所选指标方面处于领先地位,则将在相关图表“0-1”的上部绿色区域中标记为接近 1,如果该国在评级列表中属于局外人,则将标记为接近 1图表下方的红色区域为“0-1”等。所有国家均使用单一指数列表。如果某个国家/地区不在任何指数的排名列表中,则不会显示图表上的相应位置。
Sources: 1. GDP (purchasing power parity), 2020 est. / The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *228 2. GDP - per capita (PPP), 2020 / The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *229 3. Inflation rate (consumer prices), 2019 est. / The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *228 4. Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$), 2020 / International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook, and data files. / License: CC BY-4.0 *88 5. The Global Competitiveness Index 2019 / Rankings / Reports / World Economic Forum *141 6. High-technology exports (current US$) 2019-2020 / United Nations, Comtrade database through the WITS platform / License: CCBY-4.0 / Data *134 7. 2021 Index of Economic Freedom / International Economies / The Heritage Foundation *178 8. Reserves of foreign exchange and gold, 2017 est. / The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency *195 9. Annual average GDP growth in %, for the last 10 years (2011-2020) / World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files / License: CC BY-4.0 *206 10. Public debt (% of GDP), 2017 est. / The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency (from smallest to largest) *210 * Total number of countries participating in ranking 图 1. 土库曼斯坦经济指数 |
上图中描绘的土库曼斯坦最高指标是年平均 GDP 增长率 (0.99) 和公共债务占 GDP 的百分比 (0.79)。此外,外汇储备和黄金储备也较高(0.71)。 GDP(0.58)和人均GDP(0.54)略高于世界平均水平。无法获得有关知识产权使用和高科技出口的数据,土库曼斯坦未纳入全球竞争力指数。土库曼斯坦经济指标最薄弱的地方是通货膨胀率(0.12)和经济自由指数(0.06)。
表1 土库曼斯坦化石能源资源
Resource /Explanations | Crude oil* | Natural gas* | Coal | Tight Oil | Shale Gas |
Value | 0.6 (0.035%) | 400 (5.51%) | - | - | - |
Unit | billion barrels | Tcf | - | - | - |
Year | 2021 | 2020 | - | - | - |
Source | [6] | [6] | [-] | [-] | [-] |
* 括号内提供了该国储量占世界总储量的比例
土库曼斯坦西部沿里海和加拉博加兹湾的海岸线、巴尔干地区具有非常有利的风能开发条件,50 m 高度风速可达 7.5 m/s 以上。土库曼斯坦每年有300多个晴天,平均太阳能GHI为4.6至5.1,在利用太阳能方面也具有巨大潜力。
表2 土库曼斯坦可再生能源资源
Resource/ Explanations | Solar Potential (DNI)* | Wind Potential (50 м)* | Bio Potential (agricultural area) | Bio Potential (forest area) | Municipal Solid Waste |
Value | 4.6 -5.1 | 6.0-7.5 | 72.0 | 8.8 | 0.27 |
Unit | kWh/m2/day | m/s | % of land area | % of land area | kg/per capita/day |
Year | 2020 | 2020 | 2020 | 2020 | 2018 |
Source | [7] | [8] | [9] | [10] | [11] |
Latitude: 39.32, Longitude: 58.6
Average daily sky coverage over 10 years of observations, %
CLR - clear, SCT - scattered from 1/8 TO 4/8, BKN - broken from 5/8 TO 7/8, OVC - overcast, OBS - obscured, POB - partial obscuration
Source: based on NOAA U.S. Department of Commerce
Detailed information: Interactive map of solar resources
Latitude: 39.32, Longitude: 58.6
Average speed: 2.01 m/s Operational share: 31%
Average daily wind speed for 10 years of observations, m/s, 10 m above the ground
Source: based on NOAA U.S. Department of Commerce
Detailed information: Interactive map of wind resources
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Mar 2024) / www.eia.gov
2. 土库曼斯坦化石燃料的生产和消费(左 — 煤炭,中 — 天然气,右 — 石油)
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Mar 2024) / www.eia.gov | ||
图 3. 土库曼斯坦的发电量 |
过去十年来,土库曼斯坦发电总量增长了35%以上。到 2021 年,几乎 100% 的电力由化石燃料发电厂产生,几乎完全由天然气提供燃料。该国拥有许多小型光伏电站,但它们对电力生产的总体平衡没有贡献。土库曼斯坦的水力发电量也微不足道。
Sources: 1. Crude oil proved reserves, 2021 / International Energy Statistic/Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021)*98 2. Natural gas proved reserves 2021 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *99 3. Total recoverable coal reserves 2019 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *81 4. Combination production-consumption for Crude oil 2018 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *219 5. Combination production-consumption for Natural gas 2019 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *123 6. Combination production-consumption for Coal 2019 / International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Nov 2021) *128 7. Electricity – from other renewable sources (% of total installed capacity), 2017 est. / The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency *170 8. GDP per unit of energy use (PPP per unit of oil equivalent), 2020 *66 Primary energy consumption - BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021/BP;GDP (purchasing power parity) - The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency 9. Energy use (primary energy use of oil equivalent per capita) 2020 *127 Primary energy consumption – BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021; Population - United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, custom data acquired via website. Retrieved 15 November 2021*66 10. The Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report (EAPI) 2017 / Rankings / Reports / World Economic Forum 11. Electric power consumption (kWh per capita), 2016 *217 Electricity Consumption - The World Factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency; Population - United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, custom data acquired via website. Retrieved 15 November 2021 12. Combination of electricity production-consumption (kWh)/The World Factbook/Library/Central Intelligence Agency *216 * Total number of countries participating in ranking 图 4. 土库曼斯坦能源指数 |
天然气在土库曼斯坦能源系统中发挥着主导作用。该国拥有多个世界最大的天然气田,主要分布在东南部的阿姆河盆地、南部的穆尔加布盆地和西部的南里海盆地。玛丽省的加尔金尼什天然气田被认为是世界第二大天然气田。 2015 年在 Galkynysh 气田附近发现了两个新气田——Garakel 和 Bagli。这些天然气田的可采资源量估计为 42 Tcf [6]。
土库曼传统天然气基础设施包括多个天然气加工厂和压缩机站。此外,该国在首都附近的奥瓦丹-德佩镇拥有一座天然气液化工厂。阿什哈巴德距离炼油厂很远。因此,考虑到该国幅员辽阔,决定建造一座工厂,将天然气加工成液体燃料。该工厂每年能够处理 17.85 亿立方米天然气,每天生产多达 15,500 桶欧 5 汽油以及多种其他产品。该工厂是在 Haldor Torsoe 项目(TIGAS™ 解决方案)下建造的,耗资 17 亿美元,于 2019 年 6 月投入使用[13]。
土库曼斯坦拥有约7,500公里的天然气管道,允许向中国、俄罗斯和伊朗进口天然气。 TAPI管道将把天然气从加尔金尼什气田经阿富汗输送到巴基斯坦,然后再输送到印度,目前正在快速建设中。今年,双方达成协议,建设第四线输华天然气管道,保障650亿立方米/年的供气水平。此外,土库曼斯坦正在修建一条天然气管道,向欧洲出口天然气。
Figure 5. Basic infrastructural facilities of the fossil fuel sector in Turkmenistan (click on the map to view a PDF version)
Figure 6. Electricity production and Renewable energy in Turkmenistan (click on the map to view a PDF version)
Sources: 1. The Global Innovation Index 2021, Rankings / Knowledge / World Intellectual Property Organization / Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO (2021): Energizing the World with Innovation. Ithaca, Fontainebleau, and Geneva *132 2. Patent Grants 2011-2020, resident & abroad / Statistical country profiles / World Intellectual Property Organization *185 3.Patents in Force 2020 / Statistical country profiles / World Intellectual Property Organization *109 4. QS World University Rankings 2022 *97 5. SCImago Country Rankings (1996-2020) / Country rankings / SCImago, (n.d.). SIR-SCImago Journal & Country Rank [Portal]. Retrieved 17 Nov 2021 *240 6. Internet users in 2018 / The World Factbook / Central Intelligence Agency *229 7. Internet users in 2018 (% Population) / The World Factbook / Central Intelligence Agency *229 8. Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP), 2019 / United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics. License: CCBY-4.0 / Data as of September 2021*177 9. Research and development expenditure (% of GDP), 2018 / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. License: CCBY-4.0 / Data *119 10. Scientific and technical journal articles, 2018 / National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators. License: CCBY-4.0 / Data *197 * Total number of countries participating in ranking | ||
图7. 土库曼斯坦教育和创新指数 |
描述土库曼斯坦在与教育和创新相关的各种国际排名榜单上的位置的所有指标都远低于全球平均水平。该国排名最低的是科学和技术期刊文章(0.05)、互联网用户与国家人口的比例(0.15)和 SCImago 国家排名(0.20)。此外,土库曼斯坦未被列入 2021 年全球创新指数,也没有关于已颁发专利、有效专利或研发支出的信息,因此上图中的四个位置显示为空白。
Sources: 1. CO2 total emission by countries 2020 / European Commission / Joint Research Centre (JRC) / Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR)*208 2. CO2 per capita emission 2020/European Commission/Joint Research Centre (JRC) / Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) *208 3. Forest area 2020 (% of land area) / The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations *234 4. Forest area change 2010-2020 (1000 ha/year) / The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations *234 5. The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2020 / Rankings / Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy / Yale University *180 6. Annual freshwater withdrawals (m3 per capita), 2017 *179 Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion m3), 2017 – Food and Agriculture Organization, AQUASTAT data. /License: CC BY-4.0; Population – United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, custom data acquired via website. Retrieved 15 November 2021 7. The National Footprint Accounts 2017 (Biocapacity Credit / Deficit) / Global Footprint Network *188 8. Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent), 2018 / Data for up to 1990 are sourced from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, United States. Data from 1990 are CAIT data: Climate Watch. 2020. GHG Emissions. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available at: License : Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) *191 9. The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2022 / Overall Results / Jan Burck, Thea Uhlich, Christoph Bals, Niklas Höhne, Leonardo Nascimento / Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute & Climate Action Network *60 * Total number of countries participating in ranking | ||
图8. 土库曼斯坦环境指数 |
土库曼斯坦属于二氧化碳排放量(0.22)和甲烷排放量(0.17)较多的国家之一。人均排放量甚至更差(0.08),这在很大程度上导致该国在国家足迹账户中排名较低(0.20)。在土库曼斯坦,从图中可以看出,森林面积较小(0.22),但其数量至少近年来保持稳定,没有出现减少的趋势(0.51)。该国未纳入 2022 年气候变化绩效指数 (CCPI),因此图表中的这一位置仍然空缺。该国的积极环境特征之一是其每年淡水消耗量(0.99),与其他国家相比非常高。总体而言,土库曼斯坦的环境状况需要显着改善。
[1] List of sovereign states and dependencies by area / Wikipedia / en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_area
[2] List of countries and dependencies by population density / Wikipedia / en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population_density
[3] Turkmenistan / The world factbook / Library / Central Intelligence Agency / www.cia.gov
[4] GDP, PPP (constant 2011 international $) / World Bank, International Comparison Program database. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank / www.worldbank.org
[5] GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) / World Bank, International Comparison Program database. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank / www.worldbank.org
[6] International Energy Statistic / Geography / U.S. Energy Information Administration (Dec 2022) / www.eia.gov/beta/international/
[7] Solar resource data obtained from the Global Solar Atlas, owned by the World Bank Group and provided by Solargis / Global Solar Atlas / globalsolaratlas.info
[8] Wind Map / Global Wind Atlas 2.0, a free, web-based application developed, owned and operated by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in partnership with the World Bank Group, utilizing data provided by Vortex, with funding provided by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). For additional information: globalwindatlas.info
[9] Agricultural land (% of land area) /Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank / www.worldbank.org
[10] Forest area (% of land area) /Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. License: CC BY-4.0 / Data / The World Bank / www.worldbank.org
[11] What a Waste 2.0 (PDF) / Resources / The World Bank / http://www.worldbank.org/
[12] BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020-2022 (PDF) / BP / www.bp.com
[13] World’s only natural gas-to-gasoline plant in operation in Turkmenistan/ Topsoe / https://www.topsoe.com/blog/worlds-only-natural-gas-to-gasoline-plant-in-operation-in-turkmenistan
[14] The current state of the electric power industry in Turkmenistan / 05.09.2022 / https://www.newscentralasia.net/
[15] Potential of Turkmenistan in shaping the clean energy of the future presented in Brussels / 07.07.2023 / TURKMENBASHI OIL PROCESSING COMPLEX / https://tngizt.gov.tm/en
[16] CAREC ENERGY OUTLOOK 2030 / December 2022 / https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/850111/carec-energy-outlook-2030.pdf
[17] Nationally Determined Contribution of Turkmenistan under the Paris Agreement / 2022 / https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2023-01/NDC_Turkmenistan_12-05-2022_approv.%20by%20Decree_Eng.pdf